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A guard runs into the throne room panting.

'Your majesties there's been an accident involving Valarie.'

While Thor and Loki exchange glances I open a portal to Minnesota where Tony's new lab is and find it on fire. I see Tony surrounded by police, firemen and medics. I storm over to him.

'Where is she?' I snap.

He looks at me his face pale. 'She's still in there. No one can get to her.'

'Screw you!' I yell. The police start advancing on me but I push past them and walk right up to the front door of the lab. I can feel the heat already. I close my eyes and find the hatred and the fear and the emotions that I need for to me to make it cold. Eyes open, mouth closed and ears closed to the world with one hand out in front of me I touch the door and it freezes under my hand. As I walk down the burning hot corridor, my boot cladded feet leave the floor covered in ice and my trailing hands cover everything else in snow and ice while snow falls from the ceiling. Extreme heat meet extreme cold. I hurry through the building until I find Valarie collapsed on the floor while flames burn around her. I'm quick to freeze the room around Valarie and I refuse to touch her until the ice has retreated from my arms and I know I'm warm enough to safely pick her up without giving her frostbite. She shivers in my arms and I open a portal and run through to outside where everyone is just staring at the lab. I lay Valarie on the medical bed and they rush her off to hospital. I finally turn around and see what everyone is staring at. The whole lab is frozen. I chew the inside of my lip and decide to turn around and just walk away.

'HEY!' a hand holds my shoulder. 'Where do you think you're going?'

I tense up and the hand disappears. I turn around and see its only Tony. 'Asgard.'

'You just froze my lab!'

'YOU nearly KILLED Valarie!' I yell back.

He steps back his face ashen. His eyes drift to the ground and he starts fiddling with his fingers. He opens and closes his mouth. My eyes narrow at his sudden strange behaviour. I have a sudden urge to read his mind but I don't.

'What were you two doing?' my voice quieter.

His eyes flicker up than at the leaving ambulance where Valarie is. 'We were making an antidote.'

'What for?'

'For the poison you were dying from.'

I sigh, a hand rubbing my face. Typical of them. 'And the stuff that Valarie gave me pretending it was the antidote was only a stabilizer. It was only buying me time. Wasn't it?'

He nods.

'She healed me, didn't she? She put herself in danger healing me instead of just telling me there is no antidote.'

He looks at his phone.

'How come you weren't in the room with her Tony?'

'I was answering a phone call,' he snaps.

'From who? Who was SO important as to leave the room with Valarie while you two were doing an experiment?'



'A teenager.' He doesn't elaborate.

'Oh, just fucken great,' I spin around and storm away from the growing crowd and towards the bush that surrounds the place.

'Raven!' he calls.

I glare over my shoulder at him.

'There may be consequences. She may be seriously hurt or lose something. A power or something from the last ingredient we were heating,' he warns.

I nod accepting his warning and walk through the portal to the throne room to tell the royals and my father what happened.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now