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Another month passes and I look up from the boxing bag as a woman with red hair approaches me.

'Raven?' she asks. I shake my head and begin pulling off the gloves. She watches me. I unwrap the bandages and walk past her and into the gym's bathroom. She follows me.

'Look I'm not this Raven you're looking for. Quit following me,' I tell her calmly. She's freaking me out. I turn my back to her as I pull off my work out clothes and show her my illusion. Clear skin. That's my illusion. I pull on clean clothes and turn around. I find her still standing there.

'Sorry,' she says her cheeks burning with embarrassment. 'You look so much like a girl I knew. Her name is Raven. If you see her...tell...tell her that she's not alone. She has a family and people that want to know that she's safe.'

I nod. 'And what name should I give her if I see her?'

'Natasha...she knows me as Tasha,' Tasha turns and walks away. I pack my gym bag and walk out of the gym and back towards the apartment I'm living in. I walk up the stairwell and find the door open. I frown and slowly, quietly walk in. Everything looks the same as before. I turn myself invisible and walk in and out of every room searching as to why somebody would break into an empty rundown apartment. I walk out into the middle of the living room and turn visible. I dump the bag and get rid of the illusion I've been wearing all day. I pull my hair out of the ponytail and let it tumble down to my shoulders. For some reason my hair only grows when I'm in Asgard otherwise it stays the same length. Lights flood me and I spin around, holding one hand up to cover my eyes. I can't see who it is.

'Jesus Raven,' a voice exclaims.

'Turn off the lights,' I say through gritted teeth.

The lights turn off and I gratefully lower my hand. I still can't see anything.

'Who are you? What do you want?'

'Raven I'm Natasha.'

I gaze in the blackness at where her voice came from. She just doesn't know when to give up. I hear her take in a deep breath.

'It's Valarie. She was in an accident. She's lost her memory.'

'What?' I can only just make out a faint outline of her.

'Valarie's lost her memory and they need you there. You need to go to Asgard.'

'I don't need to do anything.'

'Raven trust me. I didn't want to be travelling all around America trying to find you. I didn't want to be travelling around this town all day only to get as close as the gym and have you lie to me.'

I can't help but let a small smile slip.

'Your friend has no memories and her family can't regain all of them. You were with her most of the time you should be there with her now.'

I sigh. 'Okay fine.'

She turns the light back on and looks around her than back at me. I cover my eyes again. She moves in front of me and takes hold of my hand.

'I'm not leaving you here. You'll just disappear again or...' she doesn't finish her sentence.

'Whatever,' I say tiredly. I'm normally asleep by now. She picks up my bag and flings it over her shoulder. She pulls me down the six flight of stairs and out onto the street in the night. A black lambo is parked on the side of the road. She pulls me around the front of the car and opens the door. She chucks my bag on the floor and steps back for me to climb in. She shuts the door behind me as my eyes slide close.

I stretch my neck as the muscles are all stiff.

'I'm on my way back Tony...and I have her with me.'


I finish stretching my neck and quickly fall straight back to sleep.

I sit up rubbing my neck and watch as we pull in to the Avenger's building.

'Raven you should come upstairs. Get something to eat and rest before you go,' Tasha says.

I shake my head and open a portal.

'Okay than,' she sighs. 'Good luck,' she tells me as she enters the elevator. I step through the portal and come out in the dining room. I walk down the long table to my seat and help myself to some of the food. The room is silent as everyone watches me. I look up.

'What?' I snap. They look down and the room begins to fill with loud noise as normal but this time it's strained.

'Your back,' Thor states from his seat at the head of the table. I turn my head sideways so I can see him and study him for a moment before shrugging and turning back to the food.

'How long are you going to be here for this time?'

I shrug again. 'How Valarie's memory going?' I ask as I finish my food and lean back in the chair.

'Not well,' Thor sighs heavily.

'Where is she?'

'She's in a spare room,' Loki replies finally looking at me and not at his plate.

'Her injuries?'

'Healed. She was in a coma for two months and healed over time.'

I frown. 'Why didn't you tell me earlier?'

'Because you walked away from this family. When you walked away we made sure to never bother you with anything unless it was serious. Valarie getting in a car accident and getting a few injuries isn't serious.'

'But her losing her memory is?' I struggle to control my anger. I've been having trouble with it since I walked away.

'Daughter,' Loki snaps. I look up. 'Go and clean yourself up. I'll tell you where she is in an hour.'

I scowl at him and leave the room. A bath as normal has been run for me and clean clothes have been laid out on the bed. I force myself to enjoy the warm bath and the new clothes and wait patiently until Loki arrived. 

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now