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In the morning I take the drink and as I dress into clean clothes, I can feel the energy filling me. As I walk out into my bedroom, Loki turns from the window where he was looking out.

'Those don't look like party clothes,' he tells me.

I look down at my outfit and realise I'm wearing my fighting/everyday clothes. Full leather. I shrug.

'Expecting trouble, are we?' he teases

I gesture at his outfit. His typical everyday clothes. Also, full leather plus the gold and metal decorations and a green cloak.

'We must be if we're both ready for a fight.'

He looks down than nods smirking a little. 'They did lay a dress out for you, you know,' he points to the dress on my bed. I walk over to it and pick it up. It's just a plain dark green cocktail dress. With a black ribbon. I look at it than what I'm wearing. I shake my head.

'I don't wear dresses. Now let's go. I'm hungry,' I say while discarding the dress back on my bed and leaving the room. Loki appears at my side as I walk down the hallway, grabs me by the arm and steers me down the halls to the west wing where he lives. I live in the south, Loki in the west, Thor in the north and Valarie in the east. East being looking out over her home. West looks over the ice mountains and north over Asgard. South looks over the forest. I stop walking as Loki opens the door to his living room and dismisses the maid inside. She scuttles past us quickly, head bowed avoiding any eye contact. Loki gestures for me to sit on the couch as he moves over to the fireplace. I sit and look around me. I've never been in any of his rooms or Thor's. I tend to avoid their rooms so I don't have to see them. Loki's living room has little in it with there only being a fireplace, couches and chairs and tables. Loki coughs and I look up finding him kneeling in front of me holding a box. I look down at the wrapped box than at him.

'It's for you,' he says and holds it out. I take it and sit it on my lap. I look from it to him unsure. He smiles gently and moves onto the couch next to me.

'Go on. Open it,' he urges softly.

I pull the wrapping paper off revealing a white box. I take the lid off the box, I look from the present to my father.

'I had Thor talk to Tony and design these gloves for you. He came over last night and I showed him the damage you did to the room and we worked together designing these for you.'

I take the gloves out of the box and inspect them. Magic cloth mixed with Tony's latest tech. I pull them on and watch interested as it turns invisible so I couldn't see the gloves only my hands and wrists.

'Wicked,' I whisper a small smirk twitches on my face.

'They will help stop any small sudden outbursts of magic.'

I stand up suddenly as there's a knock on the door. Well more a loud obnoxious thudding.

'Brother. Let's go!' Thor bellows as he opens the door. Loki groans as Thor comes in. He looks from me to the wrapping paper than to Loki.

'Come Raven, let's get some breakfast,' Thor says while holding his hand out for me. Without a second look at my father I walk past him to Thor and show him my hands. We walk out into the hall and I pull the gloves off than back on showing him how they turn invisible once they're on properly. As we come closer to the dining hall, Thor walks on ahead and I wait in the hall for my father to catch up. He had kept a distance between us while I was talking and showing my new present to Thor. Now he comes up next to me.

'Don't tell Valarie about your gloves or your break down,' he warns.

I nod. 'Anything else I should know?'

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now