No time for families

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When I wake up, I dress and eat silently then begin to pace through the castle. Somehow, I end up in the hall outside the throne room.

'Is there any way we can kill her?' Valarie's voice echoes throughout the hall outside the throne room.

I enter the throne room. 'We might be able to kill the daughter,' I tell her. Valarie smiles at me but moves up the stairs towards her father and look out over the guards.

'If none of you have any duties, I would appreciate if you would come over. I will cook a nice meal...'

Is she for real? What the fuck? I ask Loki.

I have no idea. 'You do understand we don't have time for any of this tea party crap,' Loki says aloud.

'I'm sorry, I just wanted to spend some time with my family. But I guess we can't all get what we want, right.'

'Val...' her father says.

'Don't bother, I already lost one part of my family. Didn't want to lose the other part,' she runs out of the room.

Thor glares at Loki and me. 'Couldn't you have at least said no, we're busy or let your daughter speak?'

'It was harsh...' Loki shoots me a look. 'But it needed to be said. We really don't have time to play perfect families or at least try to be one,' I turn and walk out of the room.

 'Did you want dinner brought your room miss?'

I turn around and look at the servant. 'Yes. That will be fine.'

She nods, bows and backs out of the room. I turn back to the window. I'm not high enough. I can't see out past Asgard. As it is I can only barley make out the roof top of Valarie's cabin. The door opens and I watch the sky until I hear the door shut a few minutes later. I turn and see a tray on the small coffee table next to the couch in one corner. A meaty smell wafts throughout my room and out the open window. I walk over and have a look. Steak and veggies and mashed potatoes. I sigh. It's done my favourite way. I don't have time to eat. I grab my jacket off the end of my bed, open the door and walk out. I walk quickly down the hallway turning around the corners I've memorised. I stop halfway down a large hallway. I lean against the wall scowling at the pair of guards that walk past. They nod their heads in greeting and keep moving down. Once they go around the corner, I pull back the large tapestry off the wall and press my hand against the stone at shoulder height. Some of the stones moves sideways revealing a staircase. I look around me again and step through the small doorway and race up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs is a large circular room. It's a backway to the room at the top of the tower in the west wing. I walk in the circular room and I move from window to window trying to find Valarie's home. Once I find it, I sit on the window seat and watch out over it. From here I can see the driveway and any cars entering or leaving.

'Nice view,' someone remarks softly in my ear.

I swear under my breath and turn to face them. It's my father.

'Language princess.'

I punch him in the shoulder and smirk as he stumbles backwards.

'Watch it Odinson,' I hiss back.

'Okay see you can't do that. I'm your father. You can't go around calling me names.'

'Yet somehow that gives you the right to call me names?' I turn back to the window. She's going to be a while. 'Look just don't call me princess,' my voice trails off.

'Why not?'

'Stop it! Just stop doing this!' I yell. He moves forwards and places a warning hand on my shoulder.

'I haven't been reading your mind or entering it Raven. I've given you time.'

'AND I'VE TOLD YOU EVERYTHING!' his grip tightens, bringing tears to my eyes.

'Than why do you despise me calling you princess?'

'I despise being called any name,' I let him move around in front of me. He places both his hands on my shoulders and pushes me down onto the ground.

'When was the last time you actually finished a meal or got enough sleep?'

'Sleep or was in a coma?'

'Slept,' he replies firmly. My lips twitch as a smile begins to move onto my face. He doesn't play the big bad god of mischief. Not when it comes to me. He lets go of that role and pretends to care. Or if he cared he would have never left me on earth.

'Never get any more than a few hours. The only time I get is when I'm in a coma.'

He leans forwards so his arms wrap around me and they pull me down, sideways. My legs move out under me. I tilt my head towards his confused. There's something in his eyes that kills the question on my tongue. Without my consent, my body relaxes and I fall asleep with my head on my father's shoulder.

'Raven,' someone whispers in my ear. I lift my head up tiredly. A soft groan escapes my lips. I don't want to wake up. Something rustles and boards creak. I keep my eyes closed. Cold hands pick me up by my wrists and pull me stumbling over to something. The hands let go and direct my body down on to something. I lie down and immediately drift back to sleep.

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now