Being the favourite

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I open my eyes and sit up shaking. Icicles hang from the ceiling and snow falls from the ceiling. Loki stands in front of me looking around him and then at me.

'Three hallways have frozen over and five people are in the infirmary with hypothermia. The queen isn't happy about this and has asked for you to leave. I have tried to explain to her that you are trying to get control over your powers but she won't listen.'

'That's because she isn't the queen,' my tongue fills heavy. The room fills with silence.

'Uh what?' Loki finally splutters.

'She's an imposter but I-' I keel forwards arms wrapped around my aching chest. My broken hand hits the floor and I groan in pain.

'What the hell!' Loki yells.

I roll onto my side and take his offered hand in my non-sore hand. He pulls me up to my feet than quickly scoops me up. He carries me out into the hallway and down to the infirmary. He sits me down on a bed and watches me as I turn around so I can lie down on it. A few minutes later Loki comes back with the nurse. She picks up my hand and looks at it.

'It's definitely broken.'

'No shit Sherlock. I did hear it snap,' I snap at her.

She scowls at me but disappears to get the medical supplies she needs to set the bone and then speed up the healing process.

An hour later I leave the infirmary with my hand in a cast. The moment I leave the room I cast an illusion over my broken hand so the cast can't be seen. Loki directs me down to the dining room hall and we take our seat at the table both of us ignoring the inhospitable looks from the queen. I feel Val's eyes on me and look over but she isn't looking at me but rather talking to her husband. I shrug and pick at the food.

'Alec please don't say stuff like that at the table,' Thor says and Valarie giggles. I glance at my father and he shrugs. We keep eating in silence than Loki sighs, puts down his food and leans over to me.

'What do you mean the queen is an imposter?' he whispers softly.

Shouldn't we talk about that like this? I reply over mind-link.

The queen speaks out. 'So, you two, I want another grandchild.'

Valarie starts choking and Loki and I exchange shocked looks.

'What the fuck?' I say out loud.

'Raven you shouldn't speak like that,' Thor snaps.

'No seriously. What the actual fuck? Who does she think she is? Why is she saying shit like that? Why does she suddenly appear out of no where and pushing Valarie and turning her into something that she's not? Does no one else think that she is trying to get rid of Valarie or is that just me?' I say. 'Alec help your wife. She's choking,' I take another bite of my food pretending to be disinterested.

'Who do you think you are talking like that?' the queen snaps. The hall goes quiet.

'Raven, daughter of Loki; Valarie's bodyguard and cousin. I keep the princess's best interests in mind and you are not doing any good to her,' I announce while standing up.

'Enough! Both of you shut up! I am not a princess, and I speak for myself. I am happy for the things I have. And stop speaking for me and trying to change me. I am happy for what I have, and I am happy for who I am. And I like having a voice. I am who I am. I don't need your approval!' she says while standing up quickly. 'The only approval I need is my own!'

'Of course, sorry Your Highness,' I say while doing a short bow towards Valarie. She storms out of the room and I sit back down, watching her leave.

'Really Raven?' My father whispers in my ear.

I shrug.

'Guards!' the queen shouts.

I groan. I know what's coming. Technically because Thor is king, he can easily over rule her but he only sits back in his chair drinking the mead and watch as two guards come and answer to the queen.

'Take Raven,' she spits my name out. I can't help but lift my glass at her. Loki sighs and leans back in his chair. He knows as well. 'To the cells,' she sneers.

'On what charge Your Majesty?' one of them asks. I realise he's my guard, Ryan.

'Disrespect to the Crown,' she says. Someone laughs in the crowd but they are quickly shushed.

'Disrespect to which Crown Your Majesty? It wasn't to the King,' Ryan replies. My father sighs in relief. Disrespecting the king and getting called out on it gets you some time in the dungeons. Like for a month or something. To the princess or the queen is anywhere from a night to a few weeks.

'To the princess and the queen,' she finally decides.

Loki and Thor both choke on their drink and look at each other. I watch Alec as he disappears from the room.

'Darling there was no disrespect to the princess only a little bit to you. The most you can charge her is with three days in the dungeons,' Thor finally speaks up.

'What but-'

'Raven is favourite with many of the people here in the castle-'

I spit out my drink. What?

You have become popular with many of them.

'And there would be an uproar if they found out that their favourite was in the dungeons for any longer than that just for speaking out for the princess. To be fair that was rather harsh and inappropriate.'

The queen huffs and waves her hand. Ryan and the other guard come over and stand either side of my seat.

'Raven,' Ryan calls.

I turn to the side so I can see him. I nod. 'Just give me a minute,' I say while eating the rest on my plate and sculling the rest of my drink.

'You sure you don't want to do more Thor?' I ask as I stand up. He groans.

'Just go quietly Raven and we'll talk about it later,' he says.

'Okay dokey. Sorry Father guess we will have to cancel plans for tonight,' I say while stepping towards the guards. Ryan puts my hands in chains...well one of them at least and we stroll out of the dining hall. 

Loki's Daughter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now