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I shook my knee out of nervousness.

The fourth opinion, the one we would stick with.

We had gotten the same results out of three doctors- none of which my mom was satisfied with.

But this was the hospital my mom promised we were staying at.

The hospital across the country from my house, the hospital I would end up most probably by myself in majority of the time due to my parents returning home.

Without me.

I bit my nail, feeling more and more nervous the longer we sat in the waiting area.

Soon a nurse came out of a door

"Skylar Gomez"

My mom and dad stood, making me lead the way past the door, following the smiling nurse.

"Come on in, you can sit in the chair beside the desk, mom and dad there's two extra chairs for you two" she spoke, following us in.

I sat in the chair, already liking the difference of not having to sit on the bed, it was much less intimidating.

"So I'm only going to get your weight and height, your doctors will get the rest of your vitals." The nurse smile, making me follow her to the scale.

I watched her push the scale dials back and forth until it was perfectly balanced.

"124" she spoke.

That was ten pounds I had lost just this month.

I stepped down, looking to my mom who shook her knee, her hand covering her mouth as she looked to me.

I sat back in the chair, making the nurse speak after typing my weight in.

"Dr.Hood will be with you in a few minutes"

The room went to silence once she left.

I looked at the files from the other hospitals that my mom held in her lap, her body sniffing lightly.

Surprisingly, there wasn't much of a wait before a small knock sounded and the door opened.

"Hello" a male immediately walked in with a smile, turning his full attention towards me.
"Dr.Hood- but you can call me Calum" he spoke with energy, shaking my hand firmly before shaking hands with my parents.

"Okay, Mrs.Gomez" he directed his attention to my mom.

"I spoke to you on the phone and you told me you guys have had several different opinions?" He spoke slowly.

"Yes, all the same results" my mom exhaled, handing him the manila folder.

"All Leukemia?" He confirmed, making her nod.

"Stage two" She spoke quietly.

"Okay- so I don't see fit to do any scans since you came prepared and you have several sets of them all" He spoke, flipping through a few of the papers.

"I do want to get some blood and test it before we start any treatment plans" he spoke calmly.

"But that's no big deal" he nodded, setting the folder on his desk before looking to me.

"I was informed you're a soccer player?" He smiled.

"I was" my voice cracked lightly, making me quickly clear it.

"You'll be back on the field before you know it" He smiled.

I didn't believe him

"Trust me"

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