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"The other doctors said it could be years, I graduate next year" I mumbled out, making a smile come to his face.

"Those other doctors aren't me."

Cocky, I liked the confidence in this one.

"Okay- let's get these vitals." He clapped his hands together, grabbing his stethoscope before moving closer to me.

He quickly listened to my heart and lungs before getting my temperature and stopping at my blood pressure

"Blood pressure is a little high, but I'll give you time to relax and get comfortable, because you're probably under a lot of stress" he spoke calmly.

He held my wrist, focusing to his watch, making me sit as still as I could manage.
He gave a nod, typing in the results.

"So what made you guys realize there was something up?" He asked, making my mom speak.

"She just wasn't herself, she didn't have any energy- she was always tired and she bruised so damn easy- she's still covered in bruises" mom spoke slowly, shaking her head as he grabbed several item, one of which I knew was a blood kit.

"You still don't have very much energy?" He asked me.

"Not really" I spoke quietly, seeing him nod.

"I don't know that she can make it five hours without falling asleep" my dad chimed in.

"Well- that's certainly normal, but I can't promise that, that's going to get better soon- especially with chemo, some days you'll struggle to even stand up- but in the end- you'll be able to run a marathon." He sent me a wink as he put on gloves, making me roll my hoodie sleeve quickly.

"Jesus" he mumbled- looking to the crook of my arm where a huge bruise was present.

I bruise from every needle I receive.

"Is the other one any better?" He asked.

I rolled it for him to compare, hearing him sigh

"They shouldn't have some so many in these areas- it's really painful" He exhaled, rubbing his index finger over the bruises.

"I'm going to take blood from your hand- it's a more sensitive spot but atleast you don't have to experience more bruising in an already bruised are."

"Okay" I spoke, making him gently take my hand.

He tied a band around my arm, going to my hand after a few seconds and wiping the spot gently.

"Look to that poster on the wall for me"

I did as said- feeling the sting before he pulled the tie off of my arm.

He held gauze over the needle- what I assumed was so I didn't see the needle imbedded into my skin.

After several seconds of him talking to my parents, he easily removed the needle- quickly putting a bandaid over the spot.

"You okay? Any dizziness, sudden fatigue?" He spoke slowly.

"I'm okay" I gave a firm nod.

He gave my blood to a nurse- letting her run it
off before sitting back down, turning to my parents

"So you guys don't plan on staying here during her treatment?"

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