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"Of course you can, follow me" He spoke, nodding to a door.

We went through a door, seeing almost a full hair salon set up.

I sat in the chair he touched, his hands immediately touching my hair.

"Your hair is still thick- you could go a little longer if you want" he mumbled out.

I shook my head, blinking the tears away

"Okay, lets do this then"

I tied my hair into a bun, seeing him watch me.

"It's best to like cut the bun off and then just go for the overall part, then I'll help you with the back, okay?" He spoke, making me nod slowly.

He handed me the razor, making me stare to myself in the mirror.

"Just take your time" he spoke slowly.

I cleared my throat, blinking my tears away.

I turned the razor on and in one swift movement I cut the bun off of my head.

"Shit" I breathed out as it basically fell into my hand, my hair falling from the position.

"I just cut my own hair" I almost panicked.

"You did" he spoke calmly.

"Nothing to panic over, just keep going" he encouraged me.

So I did

My hair fell on my shoulders, to the floor, on my lap.

I ended up giving it to him, letting him finish.

"Okay, and you are done" he spoke, turning the chair to where I could look fully to myself, but I kept my head down.

His hands rubbed my shoulders gently, he didn't speak.

I looked up- hating the sight of myself.

I looked sick- all the time I had never truly noticed how sick I looked- but I looked sick.

I felt a tear slip, making me slowly stand.

"Thank you" I spoke out, feeling him grab my elbow.

"You can't run from your reflection" he spoke slowly.

I looked to him, feeling more and more tears falling.

"You're beautiful- your hair doesn't define you, I know you loved it- but it'll come back" he nodded slowly.

I wiped my tears, nodding to him.

We shared a hug

It was something I didn't know I needed

But I loved it so much

I thanked him again before leaving

I went to my bathroom, sitting on the counter and staring at myself.

I let tears freely fall as I grabbed my phone, texting Calum

I shaved my head and I think it was a mistake because I hate it

I grabbed a towel, shoving my face into it, letting out a sob.

After several moment I sat up, gasping for air.

I stared to myself again- finding myself only wanting to cry again

I got up, almost running to Ben's room.

I walked in- seeing him still sleeping, his dad on the couch asleep.

I crawled into the bed with him, feeling him immediately begin to shift.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

"I shaved my head" I cried out as quietly as I could.

"Oh Skylar" He exhaled, pulling me into his chest.

He held me tightly as I cried into him- trying my hardest not to wake his dad up.

"I feel so ugly" I cried out, feeling his grip immediately tighten.

"Come on" he spoke after a moment, standing up.

He grabbed my hand, leading me at a fast pace through the hospital.

He went into an employee closet, making me watch outside for any nurses or doctors

He came out with a razor

"What are you doing?"

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