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"Get some rest, okay? I'll come get you a few minutes before chemo, we'll go take a walk outside." He spoke, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Okay" I mumbled out, seeing him smile before he stood, leaving the room.

I turned on my side, exhaling lightly,

I held the rag to my stomach, closing my eyes, hearing talking from the hallway.

Just as I felt myself drifting to sleep, my phone woke me up, the annoying sound of a ringer.

I sat up, groaning as I grabbed it before seeing my moms name.

I felt excitement course through me as I immediately accepted the call, putting it to my ear.

"Hey" I spoke quickly, immediately hearing background noise before her voice

"Hey hunny, how are you?" She questioned.

"I'm good- I'm great- how are you?" I asked.

"Well, we're doing great- we really are, but I'm calling to give you some bad news." She spoke, making me sit up completely.


"Your dad and I won't make it in for Thanksgiving or Christmas, your grandparents have planned things already for both, and we can't be rude-" "it's not rude, you- you promised" I almost whispered out.

"Sky, you can't be selfish- we'll come for your birthday, it's only two weeks after Christmas, we'll bring all your Christmas presents and we'll make a mock Christmas" she spoke.

I cleared my throat, blinking the tears away.

"Okay" I spoke simply, hearing my dads loud laugh in the background of the call.

"Can I talk to dad?" I asked, hearing a bit a hesitation immediately.

"We're about to leave to go to Aunt Lauren's, but I'll make sure he calls you before we go to bed tonight, okay?" She spoke, disappointing me even more.

"O-okay" I spoke quietly.

"Okay, I love you Skylar, bye bye"

"Bye mom"

I set my phone on my lap

Spending Thanksgiving and Christmas alone

I couldn't tell the guys

They'd all try to stay, and that isn't fair for them

It's not their fault my parents are the worst.

And I'd make sure they no longer have to fill my parents spots- I'll be okay alone.


What am I supposed to do when I'm done fighting?

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