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"No, there's no way we can- we both have jobs and a house to pay for, we can't afford another over here-" "I mean, there's always more jobs over here, and the hospital has provided housing for families before, I could talk to them about doing it again" he spoke, raising his eyebrows

"We just- we really can't" my mom laughed lightly.

"I'm just trying to express how hard this is going to be on Skylar- she's going to want her family-" "she's a strong girl." My dad nodded, making Calum exhale, his head looking to me.

"So when will you guys be leaving?" He asked.

"Tomorrow morning our flight flies out." My mom spoke, making his eyes widen.

"I highly recommend pushing your flight back to atleast get past her first round of chemo-" "we have work Monday morning, it's an all day flight- we really need to get home."

I felt the lump in my throat at the thought of being here alone for God knows how long.

"So when will you guys be returning?" He asked my parents.

"Probably Thanksgiving or Christmas." My dad shrugged out, looking to my mom

Calum's knee was lightly shaking as he looked between my parents.

He was speechless- but so was I.

"We can trust you to take care of our baby, right?" My mom asked him.

"Absolutely" he spoke, looking towards me.

"I'll keep her happy." He smiled.

About ten minutes later a male brought in papers
"I was getting my results and saw that yours were ready, so I just brought them" he smiles, handing Calum the file.

"Thanks man" Calum laughed lightly towards the guy, making him leave.

Calum flipped through the files.

"Yeah- that white blood cell count is low, which is completely normal." He exhaled.

"So we've got everything figured out I believe, how about we get you a room, and get you all situated?" He smiled to me.

"Okay" I responded quietly.

Therefore we all followed Calum through the surprisingly large hospital.

"Where are you from?" Calum asked as we stood at the nurses station, my parents a good distance behind us.

"A small town in Texas" I spoke.

"Your parents are going all the way back to Texas?" He asked.

"I guess so" I laughed lightly, hearing him sigh, never looking away from me.

"It's okay- I'll get your through it all." 

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