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I woke up to a tight pressure on my arm- making me almost immediately sit up- nothing but confusion raking my mind.

"Relax" a female voice spoke, her hand hitting my shoulder- reminding me that I wasn't home, I was far from home.

"Just getting your blood pressure"

I fell back into the bed- letting her continue what she had been doing.

"Sorry" I spoke quietly once she finished.

"No need to apologize- atleast you didn't hit me like other patients."

I smiled back to her, watching her leave.

My parents were still asleep- but I was wide awake, feeling a sudden burst of energy that I hadn't had in forever.

Needing to do something, I got up grabbed some of my clothes, going to the shower.

I locked the bathroom door- undressing and hopping into the shower. I washed my hair and body before getting out and drying off.

I slipped into my Adidas joggers, one of my soccer teams shirts along with socks before opening the door to release the heat and sitting on the counter, taking my time in braiding my hair.

I did two Dutch braids, making sure I was satisfied with both, because I had plenty of time to redo them.

I soon went back into the main part of the room, sitting in one of the chairs and scrolled through Twitter.

The pictures and tweets from all of my friends didn't make me feel great, so I locked my phone, exhaling as I looked out the window, towards the sunrise.

I got bored enough that I decided to go on a walk

My walk didn't last long due to myself immediately walking out of the door- seeing Ashton standing in the doorway right next door to my room, talking into the room.

"Morning sunshine" He smiled towards me.

"Morning" I spoke quietly.

"What woke you up so early?" He asked.

"A nurse took my blood pressure" I spoke, seeing him look to Calum.

"You told a nurse to check her blood pressure this morning?" He asked, making Calum appear to where I could see him.

"No- I told her to let you sleep" he spoke slowly.

"She didn't listen" I laughed back quietly- seeing him exhale, not looking his happiest.

"I'm sorry" He exhaled.

"It's no big deal" I shrugged, seeing him exhale.

"You can go lay back down if you feel like it-" "I want to play soccer."

"What hospital has a basketball court?" I asked as him and Ashton led me through the doors.

"Only the best hospitals" Ashton winked to me.

Calum ran to a closet, returning with a soccer ball.

The three of us ended up kicking it to each other, chasing each other with it- making fake goals.

As soon as I felt myself actually having fun, actually laughing and filling the thrill of competition- I felt my energy plummet, making me want to almost sit in the middle of the court.

"Come on, Sky" Ashton laughed out as himself and Calum shoved each other for the ball.

I tried to make myself run to them- but my body just wanted to give up, my knees wanted to buckle- I felt so tired.

Everything changed in a matter of seconds.

"I don't have energy anymore" I spoke towards them, leaning against a wall to hold me up- hoping they didn't notice that I was struggling to hold myself up.

"That's okay" Calum spoke as he came to me.

"Energy comes and goes- we can play again in a few hours when it comes back, okay?" He spoke slowly.

"Sorry" I spoke quietly- feeling bad that the game ended due to my body lacking energy

"Don't you apologize to us- we understand more than anyone in this building what your body is going through- we're proud and happy that you were able to play with us in the first place." He smiled.

"Let's go back to your room, let you rest up" Ash spoke slowly, making me push myself off of the wall.

After about ten feet- I looked to Calum miserably- who was already looking at me

And as if he could read my mind, he spoke three words that I hadn't wanted to hear since I was six

"Piggy back ride?"

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