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"What do we tell michael?" I whispered as we walked to the door

"I'll handle him."

Calum opened the door for me, making me step into their huge house, decorated surprisingly nice.

Instantly two dogs ran up to me barking, Calum immediately shushing them as I extended my hand for them to smell.

After letting me pet them Calum spoke a quick

"The little one is my dog Duke and the big one is Luke's dog, Petunia"

"Cute" I mumbled out, petting them both as they sat, loving my attention.

Suddenly Luke's head peaked around the corner- as it wondering who Calum was speaking to.

"Sky?" He immediately questioned.

"We went for a little hospital escape- I came to let her meet the dogs" Calum explained slowly.

"Well- welcome to our home" Luke smiled as I stood from my crouched position.

"Ashton is in the kitchen and Michael is in his room" Luke gave a quick overview as Calum led me through a beautiful living room and into the kitchen.

Ashton was sitting on the counter- watching a video on his phone while eating ice cream.

He glanced up, quickly glancing back down before doing it once more, pausing the video in the process.

"Skylar" He spoke, confusion on his face.

"Calum took me on a hospital escape" I mumbled, seeing his eyebrows raise.

"How's Michael feel about that?" Ashton spoke slowly.

"Michael feels great- because he doesn't know, and he won't know" Calum chimed in, his hands rubbing my shoulders gently.

I shifted my weight to my right side- feeling a sudden pain in my hip, making me slowly place my hand on the spot, trying not to make it obvious.

Calum then led me down a hallway, up a few stairs and into a room.

"And this is my bedroom" he spoke, putting his hands up to advertise a surprisingly clean and organized room.

"I like it" I spoke, glancing across the entire room.

We ended up sitting in there talking for an hour- which resulted in me being more tired than ever.

I looked to him around 1:30 as he told a story, as he finished he looked to me with a smile.

"Sleepy?" He questioned

"A little"

"So much for an all nighter- I was going to try it with you"

We went back to the hospital due to hiding from Michael being too hard in his house.

I crawled into bed, Calum crawling in beside me

"You can go home and be with Duke-" "Duke was getting my cuddles for two hours while we were home- he was asleep when we left and he'll still be asleep in the morning, you deserve some good cuddles"

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