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"Hey guys" Dylan smiled as the two of them walked in, Dylan's entire t shirt covered in a wet substance as the two of them laughed together.

"What did you do?" Dylan asked immediately as Ben went into the bathroom.

"Got a little carried away with the wishing well" Ben responded swiftly as Skylar came to me, leaning onto me, telling me she was more tired than she was showing.

"Wanna go to bed?" I questioned, putting my arm over her shoulder.

"Kinda" she mumbled out slowly.

"We'll be back later on, I'm gonna let her rest and get her ready for her chemo" I spoke to Dylan as Ben came out.

Dylan gave an understanding smile and nod and Ben just gave a small smile as we left the room.

"How is he?"  I asked her.

"Kinda- downing" she laughed lightly

"What?" I quickly spoke, seeing her shrug.

"He has like no hope that he's going to survive longer than this month" she spoke, intertwining her arm with my own.

"And he keeps just telling me how bad chemo is and how bad the fight is, it's a little discouraging" she mumbled out.

There was no way I was letting them get any closer than they already were.

"But, he's also living- like, going crazy, doing whatever the fuck he wants" she spoke.

"He's a fun person to be around, he just needs to shut the fuck up when it comes to the topic of death" she spoke as we walked into her room.

"Yeah- you don't need to be around very much negativity- especially in the next few months" I spoke.

She gave a small shrug
"He's not going to be the friend I want to be around twenty four seven" she spoke quietly.

"I hate to burst your bubble" I spoke with a smile, seeing her look to me.

"But I will be the only friend around you twenty four seven."

I let her rest for a little while, I laid on the couch beside the bed and responded to emails.

Soon Ashton came in with a smile.

"She's up for chemo in ten" he spoke quietly, nodding to her now sleeping body.

"She just fell asleep" I spoke, wanting to just let her sleep as long as she could.

"She'll hopefully fall back asleep with the chemo"

We gave her a few more minutes before I woke
her up by rubbing her arms and talking to her quietly, making her whine out.

"This hospital is going to be the death of my sleeping schedule."

She got up stumbling from the tiredness, making Ashton and I laugh as she held my arm, rubbing her eyes

We walked to the treatment area- seeing all of the normal faces, several new ones in the mixture.

We found an open chair- claiming it to ourselves.

I pulled a chair beside Skylar, watching Ashton put the blood pressure cup as I put the pulse reader on her finger.

I moved to the opposite arm that we did yesterday, putting her arm into position.

I set everything up as she sat silently, looking around.

"You okay, Sky?" I questioned, making her look to me, her pulse telling me she was a little nervous.

"Yeah- just, not used to this yet" she smiled towards me lightly.

"Well, go ahead and lean on Ash again, get comfortable"

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