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"Baby, we got a letter from Skylar!" I yelled out as I checked the mail, running into the house.

Skylar hadn't contacted us since she was in the hospital, no text backs to me, no calls, didn't want us to come for vacations, it was honestly disappointed but my wife wanted me to respect her wishes, so I did.

"Blake- don't open-" I immediately opened it, looking to her holding her baby bump, rubbing circles.

"She finally wants to talk to us, I wonder if she's cancer free" I spoke, seeing the handwriting.

Mom and dad

This is a goodbye. I have a feeling I won't be seeing either of you to hug you in person, but that's okay, I understand that with a new baby things can be difficult. I have my supporters with me, the guys are my family and they treat me with so much love it's almost impossible to miss home.

Just in case you weren't informed, about a month ago we discovered that the cancer had spread to multiple areas of my body, causing organ failure. The guys gave me a month or two, but I don't think I'll make it to the two month mark.

I'm on oxygen, I'm bald, I'm almost yellow, I can barely walk on my own, I even have to shower with a nurse in the room just in case. This isn't life. I signed my own DNR just because I'm ready.

I'm happy, I believe in Heaven, I know that I'm going to be okay and I'm not scared of death.

Please leave my body here, Michael knows that I've asked to be buried here, I want to be closest to them. I love these boys and their dogs.

Thank you for choosing this hospital, I think that was the smartest decision that you both had made. I'm dying happy, I've actually never been happier, the boys gave me the best last month I could've ever imagined.

Please come and thank the boys for taking care of something you considered a burden, pay for the funeral- don't leave that to them, they've invested enough time into me, you don't need to make them invest money too.

Meet one of my closest friends Ben, he's depressed but he's right, he makes good points. Get the boys to tell you our stories- we have some good ones.

Lastly, make sure the new baby knows about his or her older sister who loved them before she even saw the baby bump. Also, for name input, for a boy I think Cal would do justice, why not name a baby boy after the man who gave your daughter constant happiness when she had no one?

For a baby girl, I think Brynn would do justice, I just like that name, but the decision is up to both of you in the end.

Just know, I'm not mad that you guys never came, even for my surgery. I don't hold anything against you guys and I never would. But if you go to California, don't expect the four doctors to treat you guys with sympathy, because in the end their most probably more sad than you.

I love you both, even baby Johnson.

"Y-you- she talked to you?" I shot to her.

"We have a baby- we couldn't risk-" "I would've fucking went on my own- how fucking cruel could you be- our baby wanted us- she was fucking dying and you sat here telling me that Skylar called to say she didn't want to see us" I screamed to her.

"Blake- she's gone-" "she died and we weren't there." I spat

"Burn in hell."

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