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After crying for about twenty minutes in his arms, he pulled away, looking to me.

"Come on pretty girl, let's get you some medicine" he spoke, assisting myself in wiping my tears gently.

I have a small nod, letting him help me up, leading me back to bed.

He went into the hall- which I didn't question because I knew he would be right back.

He returned with several items, setting them all on my bed.

"Pills first" he mumbled, dropping them into my hand, handing me a water bottle.

I took the two pills he gave me, looking back to him as he twisted a rag around in his hands.

"Lay back" he spoke, gently pushing my shoulder to the back of the bed.

He placed the rag under my shirt, making me immediately realize that it was a heating rag.

He breathed out one he finished, keeping his hand on my stomach, making me look to him.

"Have they called yet?" He spoke, raising his eyebrows.

"No" I mumbled out

Two weeks and no calls from my mom or dad.

"Maybe you should call them-" "what if they don't care about me anymore" I felt my voice crack, making me clear my own throat.

"Like- what if they just don't want me anymore because of the cancer" I spoke, seeing Calum immediately focus more.

"No sweetheart" he immediately spoke.

"They care- they're just probably busy with work, don't worry about that" he spoke, pushing hair behind my ear.

"Do I have to do chemo today?" I asked- just wanting one break from it.

"You will this weekend, but not during the week" he spoke sympathetically.

I gave a small nod, seeing him put on a small nod

"Let me get these vitals" He spoke, standing.

He took my blood pressure and temperature, not reading anything back to me.

He grabbed his stethoscope, raising his eyebrows to me, making me nod, giving him a yes to listen to my heart.

He moved the bell on my chest, giving a nod before I sat up, his hand holding my shoulder gently as he listened to my lungs.

He let me lay back down as he crouched back down, his head resting on the side of my bed.

"Don't get tired of fighting yet" he spoke, making tears immediately come into my eyes

He knew I was tired just from looking at me.

"What happens when I'm done fighting?" I asked

"You go home" He spoke, a smile immediately coming onto his face

But I didn't smile

I didn't want to fight anymore

But I almost didn't want to go home

This was almost already becoming my new home

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