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"Shut up Ben" I groaned out, shaking my knee lightly.

"Well hello to you too" he laughed, leaning against my door frame.

"You're not going to throw up- you're just dizzy" he spoke, but I knew I was going to prove him wrong

I hummed lightly, closing my eyes.

"Mom and dad ditched?" He questioned slowly

"Yeah." I spoke slowly.

"I'm surprised you're still alive- weren't you supposed to die like two weeks ago?" I shot to him, hearing him laugh.

"That's really cocky coming from a girl dry heaving over a toilet"

Just as he finished that sentence I threw up- immediately feeling him grab my hair, dropping beside me.

"Okay- okay" he spoke- his hand rubbing my back as I threw up multiple times.

"You're okay" he assured me as I finally stopped throwing up- feeling him quickly wipe my mouth with a rag- something Calum had done to me in the past.

"Think you're done?" He asked after a few moment of us both sitting in silence- himself rubbing my back and holding my hair the entire time.

I swallowed- feeling the relief finally.

"I think" I mumbled back.

"Let's get in bed and get you some fluids" he spoke.

He helped me up, holding my hands.

He led me to my bed, even tucking me in once I sat

This was a side I had never saw of Ben- but I wasn't mad about it.

I liked it.

He left- soon returning with hydration popsicles and water.

"Slow sips." He spoke as I grabbed the water.

"I'm going to throw up again" I mumbled out, setting down a popsicle after several moments.

He immediately grabbed one of the several buckets in the room- getting it to me just in time, because I immediately threw up into it

I threw up so much I was almost sore in my stomach.

I let out a loud whine as I finished for the third time- praying it would be the last

"What's going on" Dylan spoke firmly as he entered.

"She's throwing up- she can't even keep a popsicle down" Ben spoke.

Dylan sighed, moving to me, Ben never moving from beside me.

"I'm going to put an IV in your hand" Dylan spoke, snapping gloves on.

"Just for fluids and some anti nausea, since you can't hold anything down" he spoke.

After thankfully once successful stick, he taped it down and I immediately felt the cold rush of medicine.

"There's a sedative in that too- you'll be knocked out in less than ten minutes" he spoke.

"Just make sure Calum doesn't find out" I mumbled out to Dylan, making Ben look to him.

"I made a promise to you, I'm not going to break that Skylar"

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