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She played with the necklace around his neck as I taped the IV down, holding her arm to support her more

I didn't want her to be uncomfortable in the slightest amount.

Her pulse was steadily slowing down, which I was happy with.

"I'm already getting dizzy" she spoke about twenty minutes into the chemo.

Ashton and I looked to each other- knowing that certainly wasn't a good sign.

"Ten more minutes pretty girl." I spoke quietly, rubbing her shoulder.

Exactly ten minutes later I took the IV out, carefully putting a bandaid over the spot.

"Come on" I spoke, grabbing her hand to help her up.

I held her little body into my own, leading her while holding majority of her weight, praying she didn't get sick before we got to her room.

Thankfully, Ashton and I got her to her room and into her bed, where she sat criss cross, holding her head.

Ashton grabbed a nausea pill as I rubbed her shoulders, making her take deep breaths.

"Here, let it dissolve on your tongue like yesterday" I spoke, dropping the pill into her hand.

She did as said with no complaint, which told me how bad she actually felt because that pill tasted like shit.

Within twenty minutes the pill seemed to have worked and she sat up, looking to me with teary eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, knowing it had to have been something more than what she was expressing.

"I miss home" she spoke strongly, but yet looking away from Ash and I.

"Sweetheart" Ashton sighed out, making her cover her face immediately- finally letting out a cry.

I pulled her small body closer to me, hugging her- which she rested into, her arms moving under my arms, deepening the hug.

She cried into my shoulder, making me hold her even tighter.

Ashton rubbed her side, no one speaking- just comforting by touch.

And just timed even more perfect- I heard someone walk in, making me look to the door seeing Dylan and Ben.

"Now isn't exactly a good time" Ashton spoke quietly, getting up and moving to the door.

"What did you do to her?" Ben shot out- which didn't exactly make me happy.

We were her doctors- we had known her longer and more about her than he did

If anyone was going to do something to her to make her cry- it wasn't going to be us.

"She's just a little homesick, come by tomorrow morning, we're just going to focus on getting her rested and happy tonight." I heard Ashton say before the sound of a door shutting sounded through the room.

"My parents haven't even fucking called me" she spoke, sniffing lightly as she pulled away from the hug, rubbing her eyes.

"They're busy, sweet girl" I spoke, wiping an additional tear that fell down her face.

"How come all those other kids parents can drop fucking everything for them and mine can't?" She asked quietly.

"How come I'm the only kid in there without a mom or dad beside me?" Her voice cracked, making me take her hand into my own.

"I can't answer that Sky" I spoke gently.

"I'm sorry- I'm ranting" She exhaled, pushing some of her hair behind her ear.

"Don't apologize- it's okay to rant, it's okay to be frustrated"

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