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"Let's pull an all nighter" I spoke to Calum once we were alone.

"An all nighter?!" Calum spoke loudly, looking to me.

"I'm too old for that" he laughed out, making me stand, moving to the tv stand to grab my phone.

"That's just an excuse" I sighed.

"A damn good one" Calum laughed back.

"Come on, I could die like at any moment" I spoke.

"Die my ass- you aren't going anywhere" he spoke slowly.

I went to him, sitting in the chair beside him.

I put my chin to my knees, looking straight to him.

He looked to me, a smile taking over his face

"How about we don't pull an all nighter- but you've been in this hospital for longer than a months straight- let's go and ride downtown or something, we'll come back and I'll stay all night with you here" he spoke slowly.

"I like that idea"

Once it was around eight at night, Calum came back into my room with a smile and a sheet of paper.

"Let's go" He smiled, holding what I knew was a discharge paper.

Him and I almost ran out of the hospital together, him taking my hand, leading me to what I knew his car was due to pictures he had shown me.

"Does the guys know we're doing this?" I asked, buckling the seatbelt as he did the same.

"No- and we can't talk about it because Michael made me promise that you would get a full eight hours of sleep, and I can't promise that" he laughed lightly.

We ended up just riding around downtown for hours, around eleven we went to an ice cream shop, getting ice cream and sitting at a small booth

"You can't have anything after midnight" he reminded me for the fifth time.

I nodded slowly, looking to him, seeing him smile

"What's your biggest worry?" He asked slowly.

"What's after death?" I questioned

"Sky you're not going to-" "it's just an overall question- what do you believe is after this?" I asked him.

"Well- science and medicine tells us nothing, we simply die and our energy burns out and gives other substances more energy." Calum spoke slowly,

"But I think there's more than that" he continued slowly.

"I believe in a form of Heaven- I believe that if you're a good person you're rewarded by being happy in the end." He spoke slowly.

I nodded with him.

"I agree" I mumbled out.

We sat quiet for a few moments.

"Want to come to our house?" He questioned, making me look to him.

"Michael, Luke, Ashton and I share a house- I'm sure it's not clean and there's dogs everywhere, but if you want to go we can-" "let's go"

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