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I sat in the chemo chair- the IV stabbed into my arm, Calum sitting beside the IV, watching me intently as I leaned into Ashton, keeping my eyes shut due to my dizziness.

I don't see how people slept during this.

It made me feel sick, there was no sleeping- just forced sickness

I feel as if I'd almost feel better not receiving the treatment at all- but that wasn't my choice, and I was well aware of that.

"We're moving slow today" I heard Calum's voice mumble out.

I opened my eyes, looking to him, seeing him holding my arm tightly, looking to Ash as his thumbs rubbed over my arm.

"What's that mean?" I asked, seeing his eyes flick to me.

"It's just your body isn't taking in the medicines as fast as they have been- it just makes the process slower, nothing to worry about" he spoke, making me nod slowly.

I rested my head back on Ashton's shoulder, suddenly seeing the doors open and a few characters walk in.

There was an astronaut, a ballerina, and what looked as a witch.

I wanted to groan out, but I just closed my eyes into Ashton.

You could hear the kids in the room all start yelling from happiness- each doctor trying to keep them in their chairs and not rip their iv's out.

"Do you want to talk to an astronaut?" Calum joked as he laughed lightly, his hand rubbing my shoulder.

"I don't like people in costumes" I spoke simply, looking around seeing that all three of them were pretty far from me.

"Why not?" Calum asked, pushing hair out of my eyes, making me look to him.

"You never know who's under the costume"

"It's just a doctor and two nurses that work for General- nothing to stress over" He spoke- squeezing my hand lightly.

I still had something to worry over, I didn't like people in costumes- as childish as it was- I didn't care, I didn't want to me near anyone in a costume.

"Okay, you finished love" Calum spoke, slowly and carefully taking my IV out, putting a cotton ball and bandaid tightly over it.

I threw my legs to the side, allowing Calum to take my arm to help me stand.

I walked between him and Ash towards my room and noticed one thing

Today hit me a lot harder than other days.

I stopped walking for a minute- almost feeling as if I was short of breathe as we walked, making Calum immediately come to me.

"Come on, ill piggy back you" He spoke.

"I don't think I can even jump" I spoke, feeling my voice crack as he looked to me.

I felt so weak- and this feeling made me want to cry.

"Don't get upset" he spoke quickly, rubbing my arms.

"You're just tired- everyone goes through this."

He very carefully picked me up bridal style, my head falling to his shoulder as he did.

Ashton smiled to the two of us as he walked slowly, looking between us.

"Want to go visit Ben?" Calum suggested as we almost passed his room.

"Sure" I barely spoke, knowing if I slept this early, sleep later would be almost impossible.

"Up for a visitor?" Calum spoke more towards Dylan rather than Ben.

"Sure- He can always use some company"

Calum set me on the couch, looking to me as he let me go.

"I'm going to go to my office and do paper work, get Dylan or a nurse to page me when you want to go back to your room- I don't want you walking to your room, okay?" He spoke.

I gave a firm nod, earning a wink before he informed Dylan where he was going before leaving the room.

I looked to Ben, seeing a smug smile on his face as he stared to me

"You look like shit"

"You don't look much better"

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