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I sat in the familiar chair- this time, the nervous feeling making its way into my stomach.

"So" Dylan spoke, opening the needle package along with gloves and wipes.

"When will your parents be here?" He asked.

How was I supposed to keep it a secret from him?

"They aren't coming" I spoke slowly.

I stayed looking straight forward- even though I could feel him staring into the side of my head.

"You told Calum-" "if I would've told Calum my family wasn't coming he wouldn't have left me- that ruins his thanksgiving too, and that's not something I'm willing to do" I spoke.

"No Skylar- he would've taken you to his house for thanksgiving-" "so I could be surrounded by his supportive and close family? Just to be reminded that my parents couldn't even come in to see their sick child" I spoke slowly, feeling tears coming into my eyes.

"No thank you" I finished.

"Skylar- you shouldn't spend thanksgiving alone." He spoke.

"I won't- the staff throws the big dinner for all the kids and families and on duty doctors and nurses- I'll go there, just do me a favor and don't tell Calum." I spoke.

"You expect me not to tell him-" "yes, promise me right now that you will not tell him." I spoke.

"Or what?"

"Or I'll literally scream and cry throughout the entire chemo treatment." I shot to him.

"Okay, I promise"

After three sticks with the big ass needles he sighed, staring to my arm.

"How does Calum get a good vein on your arm" dylan spoke.

"He's a natural" I shrugged out, seeing dylan smile.

"Let's give it another try"

Two more pokes and he finally got it into a vein, making my eyes immediately water.

"I'm sorry" he spoke as he taped it down, starting the treatment. 

"It's good" I lied, letting my knee bounce lightly.

I rested my head on my hand, making sure I focused on my breathing rather than thinking about my complicated life.

"You feel okay?"

"Mhm" I hummed out lightly, grabbing my phone.

I saw a text from cal

Mom and dad there? How's chemo going?

I sighed, groaning in my mind at the thought of lying to him again.

Yes! Chemo is okay, he had to poke me like 5 times before he got the IV in, but it's going okay

Thirty minutes later chemo was done, as he put the bandaid over the spot on my arm- I heard his pager.

"Can you walk back to your room?" He questioned

"Yeah" I nodded lightly, although I knew it would be a struggle.

"Okay, I'll be with you soon"

I stood slowly- continuing to hold the chair as my dizzy wave passed like normal.

I walked slow, making sure not to make eye contact with any doctors who would question me.

As I got into my room- feeling another wave of dizziness, I swallowed- feeling a familiar lump in my throat that I knew would be coming up in a matter of minutes

I went ahead and sat in the bathroom- sitting on the edge of the bathtub, facing the toilet

"Happy Thanksgiving"

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