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"Hey dad" Ben spoke after a few minutes of silence, and I looked- seeing his dad walking in.

"Hey guys" he spoke with a small smile.

"Can we just wait until she falls asleep, Dylan gave her a sedative-" "no, go- I'm fine- go enjoy your Thanksgiving" I spoke, hitting him lightly.

"Either you let me stay without arguing, or I'm calling Calum and snitching, I'll let you pick" he raised his eyebrows to me.

I immediately rolled my eyes.

"We can stay until you fall asleep- it's no problem, we're not on any timed schedule" his dad spoke.

"Thank you" I spoke out, making Ben completely lay beside me, throwing his arms around my body.

"No need to thank me"

I rested into his chest, hearing the room go almost silent.

I listened to a random machine beeping, and I felt the medicine starting to kick in.

"Don't fight it, you'll get dizzy" Ben spoke quietly, stroking my hair as he held me close to himself.

So I did as said

I woke up feeling the affects of the medicines- feeling my headache before I even opened my eyes.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes- seeing that it was dark outside, telling me it was late.

I tapped my phone, seeing several text messages and that it was almost midnight.

I unlocked my phone, going to my messages, seeing majority from Calum

How's it going?

Did you get sick or anything?

Are you ignoring me?

Okay okay I get what you're doing

I'm supposed to be spending time with my family but I'm texting you and you're ignoring me, I get it- give me an update and I'll leave you alone

Still no update from you or dylan, wtf

Skylar Marie

Stop ignoring me

Okay, I'll leave you alone tonight because I'm taking into consideration that you might be having quality family time. Just know, I'm going to tackle you as soon as I walk into the hospital Friday

Then I had a text from a few old friends wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving, which I responded to.

But I responded to Cal

I wasn't ignoring you, chemo made me a little nauseous and I just wasn't around my phone, I hope you enjoyed your family time.

I got up, taking my IV bag with me, and going to the bathroom.

I stood in the mirror- trying my hardest to fix my hair.

Just as I finished a neat ponytail, a nurse entered, stopping once she saw me.

"Dylan called and said I could take your IV out, he also told me to tell you that he's left for the night but he will come back if you need anything" she spoke.

"Thank you" I spoke, extending my hand to her.

She slowly took the IV out, replacing it with a bandaid.

"And you're all set, need anything?"

"No, I'm okay"

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