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"So it's just this and bloodwork?" I asked Calum as he kept his arm around me, leading me into the catscan room.

"Yes, then we will just lay in bed and watch movies" he spoke with a happy smile.

I laid down on a bed I had been on multiple times, letting him cover me up, moving my hands to the position he needed.

"When were you going to tell me your parents didn't show?" He asked, making me quickly look to him.

"Who told you?" I shot to him, making him smile

"I have my ways"

An hour earlier.

I had just finished her vitals, and I walked out, leaving her with Ashton to see if I could squeeze her in for a catscan today.

After getting her squeezed in, I went to the head nurse.

"Skylar's parents didn't sign the discharge papers, did they?" I questioned, knowing Skylar never mentioned anything about them leaving the hospital.

The nurse looked to me- a look I've never seen on her face before.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Skylar- the one in room 207?" She questioned.

"Yes- my patient, Skylar Johnson" I spoke slowly.

"Her parents didn't come- she was alone besides for a few visits from Dylan and Ben" she spoke, and I wasn't even that shocked.

I was shocked that Dylan hid it from me- but I could maybe understand why she hid it from me.


"We'll talk about it in a minute" he spoke, adjusting my head to make me look straight up before telling me the basics

"Try your hardest not to move- we can hear everything you say so just talk if you get claustrophobic or if you feel sick" he spoke slowly,

I gave a small nod- not exactly wanting to speak in this moment.

"Sky" He spoke out, making me look to him.

"I'm not mad at you- you can talk to me." He spoke, his eyebrows raised the entire time.

"I love you" I spoke slowly.

I watched a smile come onto his face

"I love you too, I'll see you in a minute" he spoke before pushing the button, making to machine move me into it.

I kept my eyes closed- refraining from thinking about the fact that I was basically in a tanning bed, which only made me feel more and more claustrophobic.

After several minutes, they finally got me out, Calum helping me up.

"It was okay?" I asked, seeing him focus to me.

"I sent it to Michael" he spoke, making me freeze

"Why Michael- Michaels in orthopedics" I spoke.

"There's something in your hipbone that's concerning me- but we can't freak out over it yet, we have to just look at everything and get Michaels opinion" he spoke.

I wanted to freak out.

I pushed away the thought of crying, nodding and getting up with him.

We went back to my room, I sat on the bed, watching as Ashton entered.

"How was the catscan?"

I didn't speak, but neither did Calum, which instantly made me start tearing up more.

"Calum" Ashton spoke after a moment.

Calum hummed as he slipped gloves on, tying the band around my upper arm.

"It's in my hip" I spoke for him, making Calum look to me with a sigh

"You don't know that-" "well I might not know that, but there's a reason you're acting so weird" I let a tear fall down my cheek.

"Michael has the scans, you can go look at them with him" Calum spoke swiftly.

That made Ashton immediately leave, leaving a silent Calum and I.

"Look to the window"

I did as said, feeling the sharp pierce of the needle.

Several minutes later he had the desired amount of blood, closing the tube and putting a bandaid over my arm.

He sent the blood with a nurse, returning to me, sitting beside me in the bed.

"What happens if it spread?" I questioned.

"Most probably surgery" he responded quietly.

I nodded slowly.

"I want to go home" my voice cracked as I spoke.

"Skylar-" "no, I want to go home" I declared, moving to stand.

"I want everything to go back to normal, I want my parents to love me again, I don't want to do chemo, I want my own bed, I want my own bedroom, I want my dog- I want to be cancer free" I let out the biggest cry I've ever had with Calum.

"Sit back down" Calum spoke calmly, grabbing my arm as I paced the floor in front of him.

"It can't spread Cal" I cried out, letting him pull me into his body, holding my head into his neck.

"We'll handle it Sky, you have the four best surgeons wrapped around your finger- you have nothing to worry about" He spoke, kissing my head.

"I'm scared Cal" I cried into his chest.

"You don't need to be scared of anything as long as I'm with you" 

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