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Once she left I decided to shower.

I then slipped into Nike joggers and a random shirt that I found- which most probably was Calum's from one of my sick nights.

I slipped on socks, brushing my hair out before taking I walk.

I went past Ben's room, seeing himself and his dad asleep, making me immediately turn around.

I went to the gym, going into the storage closet and finding a random soccer ball.

I kicked it against a wall, letting it come back, making me kick it again.

I did this for a few minutes, until I was tired.

I brought the ball back to the closet, shutting the door.

I checked my phone, seeing a text from Calum

Are you still nauseous?

He's too worried about me- he's never off of work

No, Dylan gave me medicines, I feel great

I went into the main area of the hospital, seeing several families still awake, bonding

As I walked past one group, I heard one thing that immediately changed my mood

"I'm thankful that we can all be here, in this moment with you- because that's what family is for"

I went back to my room, sitting in one of the chairs, staring to one of the walls.

I called my mom, listening to the ringing


I called my Aunt- knowing that with time zones, they would still be awake.

"Hey Sky! How are you?" She spoke cheerfully.

"I'm good- I'm okay, I just wanted to call and say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone" I spoke slowly.

"Aw, thank you sweetheart. I'm sorry that you and your parents couldn't make it to dinner- but I know they're happy to be with you-" "my parents didn't go?" I immediately questioned.

I could almost hear her demeanor change

"No, Sky- they went to see you- didn't they?"

I went completely silent, I couldn't even process what was happening.

"We might just have a misunderstanding, I'll call them in the morning and figure everything out" she spoke slowly.

"Yeah- I'm sure that's it, thank you" I spoke slowly.

"Enjoy your Thanksgiving Sky" She spoke quietly.

"Thanks, you too"

And then it was over.

I leaned up, rubbing my eyes gently.

I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling strands of hair coming out easier than ever.

I'm sick of this

I went to the little store in the mall, where I knew the hairstylists normally stay.

Luckily, I saw one of the guys still here.

"How late do you guys stay open?" I questioned slowly.

He looked to me, a smile falling into his lips

"I was just cleaning up- normally everyone leaves around seven" he spoke, making me nod slowly.

"Not with your family?" He questioned.

"No, they couldn't make it in" I spoke quietly.

He sat in a chair, looking to me.

"Does your Doctor know you're roaming around at midnight?" He questioned.

I let a smile come onto my face.

"My doctor thinks I'm spending time with my family" I spoke, seeing him laugh.

"Lying to a doctor- that takes a lot of guts" he mumbled, making me laugh lightly.

"I know you didn't come here to talk with me- what's going through your head?"

"My hair is falling out" I mumbled

He nodded slowly

"Want to speed that process up?" He questioned

"Can I do it though?"

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