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Due to my requests, Cal stayed in bed with me- and ended up falling asleep before me.

I was stuck awake- thinking about Ash.

He could use a hug

And I knew myself- I wasn't going to be able to sleep until I did what I knew I had to do

So I got up as slowly as I could- trying my hardest not to wake up Calum.

I walked on the cold hospital floors in my socks, praying that no one would see me wondering around and wake Calum up.

I walked down a few hallways until I saw his name beside a door that was conveniently pushed open.

I knocked on the doorframe lightly once I saw that he was awake, and reading charts.

"Hey Skylar- why are you awake? Calum was supposed to stay with you until you-" "he fell asleep and I'm still awake" I laughed lightly, seeing a smile form on his lips.

"He told me about your patient" I spoke quietly, seeing his smile drop- but I noticed he tried his hardest not to look too grim.

"Need a hug?" I questioned, seeing his head tilt.

He threw the chart on his desk, standing and opening his arms, making me walk into them.

"You came and found me just to give me a hug?" She spoke as he held me tightly, one of his hands holding my head into his shoulder, which was so comforting, something I always wanted to feel.

"I like hugs on bad days, so I thought you might need one" I shrugged, pulling away from him, seeing him smile

"Come on sweet heart, I'll walk you back to your room"


She's too pure for this world

Nothing should hurt her, especially a bitch as bad as cancer

If I could take the cancer from her, I would.

No girl with a heart like this deserves to go through what she's going through.

I threw my arm over her shoulder as we walked, feeling her head hit my own shoulder

"This isn't as bad as I imagined."

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