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I'm sure late on this because I got lazy but here you gooooo


How close were you to Skylar?

  Towards the beginning, I wasn't close with Skylar at all. I knew who she was, I knew that Calum loved her with every bone in his body; I never exactly knew why. But then her cancer spread to her hip and I was assigned to her case and it all started making sense. She was such a bright kid, she was full of laughter and happiness even in some of the worst moments of her life. After being with her for an hour I wanted to stay with her everyday, which caused us to get close of course, but nothing compared to her and Calum. They were and still are almost inseparable.


Why didn't you tell your ex husband the truth?

  That's a question he asks me a lot, so much I've started to ask myself the question. I don't know. I truly don't.

Do you miss Skylar?

   Yes. I don't deserve much sympathy, but I didn't even get to see my daughter before she was put into the ground. I wish I could've gotten a bit more closure.

Did Calum try to reach out to you about Skylar's cancer?

  Yes, Calum kept me updated the entire time she was with him. He told me when they realized it had spread beyond what they could handle, but he told me she had two months left, so I booked her a plane ticket home, because that's where I wanted my baby to be, but he never let her go home. He never sent my baby to die where she needed to be.

Where were you and your ex husband on Thanksgiving?

  At home celebrating the new baby.

Why didn't you care for Skylar?

  I did, I just made mistakes in how I cared for her.

Do you regret ignoring your daughter in her time of need?



Did you have a crush on Skylar?

  That's a question I ask myself a lot. Skylar was easy to love. She was beautiful, her personality was made of gold. I think from the second I met Skylar I was in love with her and the way she thought. She was so innocent. I'm glad the world was never able to corrupt her, but at the same time, I wish she could've lived to change the corrupt world.


Is the plot from this story all from your imagination?

   For this one, yes. A lot of my stories are just situations I make up in my head, but sometimes I get inspiration from other things such as books or movies.

Why do you enjoy my pain?

  Idk. Maybe I'm a psychopath????

Do Calum and her dad know about the naming their kids thingy?

  I never wrote that into the story, but let's just say yes so it's cute.

Would you want the boys to actually be doctors?

   I love this question BECAUSE IT DEPENds. If they were to stop making music right now and all go to school to be doctors I would NOT support that, because I wouldn't want my life nor anyone else's lives in the hands of the four boys who we all watch act like happy and drunk toddlers all of the time. BUT if they were to have never been famous and if they were to be like serious and sweet like I write them in my stories, yes, I would love that.

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