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We walked into her room, seeing Calum out cold on majority of the bed- making me want to kill him.

We both tried for several minutes to wake him up, getting no reaction.

"Heavy sleeper" Skylar laughed out quietly, making me hum in agreement.

"Come on- he took your bed, I'll let you take his" I spoke, nodding my head for her to follow me.

We talked quietly as we walked through the almost empty hallways.

"You like your job?" She asked me quietly.

"Yeah- it's challenging, and I have my good and bad days, but overall, I'm glad I chose it" I laughed lightly.

I saw Luke coming out of his office as we walked towards the attending's on call room.

"I'm assuming we're staying here tonight since Michael is still in surgery?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah- Calum fell asleep in Skylar's bed, so Skylar is going to take Calum's bed" I spoke, seeing him laugh lightly.

"How did he even manage to fall asleep-" "she left when he fell asleep to come talk to me and when I walked her back he had moved into the middle of the bed, and wasn't waking up for anything," I laughed lightly

"Well Skylar- welcome to the attending's on call room" Luke laughed out, opening the door.

Luke went first and I let her follow, myself following behind her.

Luke pointed out Calum's bed, while sitting into his own.

"The beds fucking suck, we're sorry about that" he laughed towards her lightly, earning the smallest smile from her.

"You feel okay?" I asked her, seeing her give me a firm nod.

"I'm fine" she spoke, making me nod.

"Now chemotherapy tends to give people weird dreams- just wake one of us up if you have one-" "you guys didn't tell me it would give me nightmares." She spoke slowly, looking completely unamused as she looked to me

"It doesn't always happen, but if it does, I just want you to know that it's okay to wake us up." I assured her, seeing her slowly nod, clicking her phone screen, illuminating her face in the darkness once Luke turned off the light.

"Hey Ash" Luke spoke quietly

"Yeah?" I questioned back

"You might want to text the attending's groupchat and tell them that Skylar is your patient- because that might just freak them the fuck out if they come in here and see her sleeping in Calum's bed" he spoke- making me immediately so as said.

"Thanks" I exhaled after sending a vague text into the groupchat before locking my phone.

Within seconds after I saw Sky's phone go dark, hearing little movements

"Goodnight guys"


I thought I would be alone

Look at how things switched up on me

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