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"You'll see"

We went to my bathroom, he plugged it in.

"Ben what are you doing-" I shut up as soon he brought the razor through the middle of his head, shaving the middle of his hair.

"Ben-" "we can look sick together"

"You didn't even need to shave your head yet-" "I was getting to the point of needing to- you just gave me more of a reason" he spoke quietly, focusing on shaving his head.

I helped him with the back, turning it off once I finished.

"See" he spoke, wiping hair off of his shoulders

"We're both officially cancer patients now, we get free, complimentary sympathy smiles from every person that we walk past- some call it a blessing, I call it hell" he spoke , turning to me with a small smile.

The next morning I woke up in bed, not exactly remembering falling asleep- only remembering Ben staying with me until I was tired enough to fall asleep.

I woke up to a weight behind me, a hand holding my own gently.

I turned over to look, seeing Calum on his phone.

"Hi" I almost whispered, turning to face him, resting my head on his chest.

"Hi beautiful" he spoke, a smile prominent on his face.

I hummed lightly, putting my arms around his body, wanting nothing but a hug from him

One day without him and I missed him more than I've missed my parents this entire time

"You feeling okay?" He asked slowly.

"For now" I spoke slowly.

"What made you shave your head" He spoke quietly- making me remember what I did.

"Impulse decision" I spoke quietly.

He rubbed my back gently, not letting me go.

"I need to check your vitals" he sighed lightly.

"Just one more minute"

Ashton entered after about five minutes- a smile breaking through.

"Sky, you're glowing" he spoke, never taking his eyes away from me.

"She is, isnt she?" Calum smiled with him, pulling away to look at me- the two of them making me almost self conscious.

"Can we stop looking at me?" I asked after a moment, making Ashton look to  Calum

"Did you get her vitals?" He asked.

"Nope, I'm getting to that" he spoke, moving to stand, making me sit up completely.

Calum left for a moment to grab his stethoscope before returning with a smile, immediately beginning to check all of my vitals.

"Blood pressure is high today" Calum spoke, looking to Ashton.

"I wonder why" Ashton mumbled out, stepping closer beside me.

"How about I make you a deal" Calum spoke slowly.

"Okay" I nodded slowly.

"Let's make today your scan and bloodwork day, just to give you a break from chemo- tomorrow you can have a completely free day, and Sunday we can do chemo, how about that?"

"I'm more than okay with that"

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