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One week later

I leaned into Ashton as I did my chemo treatment, watching Calum, who watched my vitals closely.

He looked to me- noticing my stare, making him smile.
"What?" He asked quickly.

"Nothin" I shook my head lightly, feeling Ashton's grip around me tighten.

"Have you heard from your parents? When are they coming in for Thanksgiving, it's this Thursday" Calum spoke.

"Yeah- they're coming in late Wednesday night" I spoke- making relief almost flood his face.

"When will they stay until?" He asked.

"Oh- they're leaving early Friday morning- work" I shrugged lightly, seeing him shake his head lightly.

"So would you be okay with a substitute doctor- just like Dylan or someone you know, just for Thanksgiving Day?" He asked, making me almost sit up

"Are you seriously asking me if you can take off?" I laughed out.

"I just- I want to make sure you're comfortable, you know I don't like leaving you here alone-" "I won't be alone" I laughed out a lie.

"So you'll be okay?" He asked.

"I'll be perfectly fine" I nodded.

After chemo, Calum helped me stand, throwing an arm around me as a wave of dizziness passed.

"I'm kinda disappointed that I won't see your parents- why won't they stay any longer?" He asked.

"They're just- weird" I sighed out.

He leaned his head onto mine as we walked.

"I'm just glad you get to see your family- it's a bit of encouragement." He spoke slowly.

I nodded in agreement slowly.

Later that night, I had showered and was in bed, scrolling through Netflix.

Calum entered with a loud and tired sigh, his butt immediately planting into my bed, looking to me.

"I can't wait to sleep" He spoke, moving to lay beside me.

"I'm not being rude when I say this, okay?" I spoke, earning a solid nod from him.

"Why don't you go home? You can sleep in your own bed, you haven't went home in over a week" I spoke slowly

Calum used to just stay with me until I fell asleep, then he would leave to go home.

One night, right after he left I woke up and ended up getting sick- which resulted in me running to the bathroom to throw up- in the process ripping out a temporary IV, getting blood all over the place

All of which resulted in almost a complete mental breakdown from myself.

"I don't want to leave you anymore-" "I'm fine Calum, I'm not even dizzy right now, you need to go home- sleep in your own bed." I declared.

He looked as if he was questioning it in his head.

I groaned lightly, seeing Luke pass the door

"Luke!" I immediately yelled out, seeing him soon come back into view.

"Tell Calum that he needs to go home" I declared.

"You do, Duke misses you, little dudes been sleeping with me, but I don't do him any justice." Luke spoke with a smile

"Who's Duke?" I immediately questioned, letting the confusion take over my face as Calum looked to me with a smile.

"My dog" he responded swiftly.

"Go home to your dog! I can't believe you've left him alone this whole time" I shot to him.

"He hasn't been alone" Calum rolled his eyes.

"Still Calum" I rolled my eyes back to him.

"Are you sure?" He spoke, with much hesitation

"I'm absolutely positive, I'll be fine- go snuggle with your dog"

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