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"It's just cereal" I laughed, putting a grape in my mouth as I did.

"Only the best fucking cereal- all the little kids normally come through and clean it out, I'm so glad we're early." He spoke, spooning Lucky Charms into his mouth.

I laughed lightly at the sight of him almost fangirling over a cereal.

"Come on, just admit it- lucky charms is the best cereal, by far-" "I'm more of a fruity pebbles kinda girl" I shrugged through a laugh, seeing his stare move to me, completely unamused.

"That's borderline disrespectful." He spoke, blinking firmly.

"Morning Ben" a man spoke, appearing almost out of nowhere, squeezing Ben's shoulder.

I made eye contact with the man- his eyes immediately widening, his entire attitude changing, a smile developing.

"Who's your friend?" He asked quietly.

"Dad this is Skylar, Skylar this is my dad" Ben introduced slowly, rolling his eyes secretly, making me smile.

"It's very, very nice to meet you Skylar." His dad spoke with a smile.


"Stage fucking four-" "I'll be honest, no one has a lot of hope, not even him- I feel like I'm the only one trying." Dylan mumbled out.

"Jesus Christ" I spoke, putting my head into my hands.

Out of all the people she could've made friends with- it's the one guy who doesn't even have hope for himself.

"Calum, it's not a bad thing" Dylan spoke quietly.

"We let them hang out- just not get too close to where they're dependent upon each other- it may just give Ben something to hang on for." He spoke.

It wasn't a bad idea, but I worried about Skylar

I've seen patients go through the heartbreak of losing a friends or even a relationship due to cancer, and that wasn't something I wanted her going through.

I could hear Skylar's laugh as she came down the hall, hearing Ben also laughing with her loudly.

"Calum, do you realize the last time I heard that kid laugh?" Dylan whispered.

"I'm sorry, but he needs this- he needs her."

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