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I slowly opened the note, taking a deep breath


I've actually never called you Mike, but as I write it out, I like it. These notes are the hardest to write- not that I'm illiterate, I just don't know what to say. It's hard to say goodbye to people who mean so much to you.
  I guess with every note I'm trying to say thank you along with making sure everyone is okay. Death always follows with more death and that's not something I want from any of you.
   Thank you for operating on me, for being supportive and for being a damn good doctor. With any other doctor I could've died on the table, but because you're the BEST you gave me a month longer, and it was by far the best month of my life.
   Please be there for Cal, he spent the most time with me and I feel as if he will need the most support after this. He's a good guy, the best I've ever met. He's going to make a good husband one day and I can't wait to see what he becomes. I can't wait to see what you all become.
   You all deserve the world. You all had hope in me when even my parents didn't. I want you to know that although times got hard, I fought my heart out, and that was only because of you four. Without you four I would've been dead two months ago. You guys saved my life in a way that you may not understand, but yet I understand.
    Make sure all three of them are okay for me, but make sure you're okay too. I need every single one of you to be okay. Make sure Ben is okay, he was annoying as hell but I loved him.
Don't hold any grudges against my parents, but don't let them take my body, bury me here, I'd prefer to be closer to you guys anyway.
   Thank you for being my everything these past few months, I've never received as much attention and love as I've received here, I can promise you, I died happier than I've ever been.
I believe in a Heaven, I believe in God, so trust me, even if you don't believe the same- just know, I'm okay, and I'm right behind you every step of the way.

I love you Mike, thank you again.

I looked up from the note, seeing my three best friends on the couch.

I got up, going and sitting with them.

I leaned onto Ashton, sighing

"We should go get the dogs"

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