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I was home

At the dinner table, with all of my distant aunts and uncles.

My mom and dad laughing as they passed a dish from my aunt to me.

Everything was happy, it was Thanksgiving- I was so thankful.

"When does she go back?" My aunt spoke.

This made a gloom cover the room almost- everyone's expressions dropping immediately

Just as my moms mouth opened to speak- I woke up.

I sat up quickly, feeling someone's touch on my shoulder.

I never liked the feeling of someone waking me up, it always scared the fuck out of me.

"It's just me, it's Cal" Calum spoke quickly, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"Sorry- you scared me" I mumbled out.

"It's fine- I didn't mean to scare you" he spoke back immediately.
"I have to check your lungs and heart, okay?"

I gave a solid nod- giving him permission to put his cold stethoscope on my back and chest,
earning a solid nod from him when he finished.

"Were you having a nightmare?" He asked me, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"No- no- I dreamed that I was home, it was Thanksgiving- we were having dinner" I mumbled out, seeing his expression change.

"I guess it's just my mind trying to make my situation seem okay- or something" I mumbled lightly.

"You're not going to be alone on Thanksgiving, okay?" Calum whispered out, looking to the guys to check that they were still sleeping.

"We'll stay with you, we'll eat like kings and play board games all night if that's what you want" he spoke- a smile coming through his quiet talking.

"But why?" I whispered back.

"What do you mean?" He asked, stroking a hand through my hair gently.

"Like- why me, no other doctor would go to this extreme for just a patient-" "oh Skylar" Calum immediately laughed out

"You've signed yourself up for something you weren't even aware of"

"To the four of us, you aren't just a patient" he spoke quietly.

"You're our little sister, our priority, our sunshine" he spoke, squeezing my hands into his own.

"You have signed yourself up for your own family, whether you like it or not, we will be here from the beginning to the very very end."

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