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I took the note with shaking hands, immediately opening it

You have the shortest of all notes- it's not favoritism, we just weren't too close. You're a busy and determined man, I understand that- but I need you to do something

My death may not affect you the way it will affect Calum, but I ask one thing. Please take time off to make sure that your friends are okay. Do things to cheer them up, talk to them, call their families- we both know that Calum is very good at hiding his feelings, you need to make sure that he isn't bottling things up- because you know what happened when I bottles my feelings up.
Be strong, set an example for the guys, make them know that you all need each other in this moment- don't split up, you four out the best group of friends I've ever came across, don't let anything change that.
  When girlfriends come along- judge them as harshly as I would've, you and I both know what our guys deserve, don't let them settle for less.

Through this all, make sure you're happy. Sometimes being surrounded by sad people can make you sad- not saying that you aren't phased by my death, but I'm trying not to assume and sound conceited.

Focus on mental health in your whole household, everyone needs healthy mental states.

I just want everyone to be happy and get along, I'm begging you. Smack the shit out of them if you have to- tell them it was from me, they'll believe you.

Thank you for everything from small smiles to hugs when I was having mental breakdowns

The little things have always mattered the most to me.

I closed my eyes as I held it in my hands

I looked to Calum, who was on the phone- tears sliding down his cheeks

I went to the couch, sitting beside him, putting my arm around him

No ones alone

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