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"And here we are" Calum smiled as he led me into a hospital room, which was actually bigger than the others I had been in.

"You won't switch rooms- at all, you're actually right next door to my own office- which is extremely convenient for me." He spoke, watching my parents as they walked in, smiles prominent.

"So I'll let you guys get situated, I'll get my assistant doctor, go over all of your files with him, then bring him to meet you" Calum smiled to me, making me nod.

"Thank you" I spoke, seeing him nod before leaving with a smile.

As soon as the door shut my parents sat, exhaling as if they've had the hardest day of their lives.

"You like it here, honey?" My mom asked quietly.
"Yeah- it's fine" I shrugged, sitting in a chair beside the hospital bed.

"You feel good about the doctor, he seems nice to you?" My dad asked.

"Yeah- he's fine" I shrugged lightly.
I let my head fall against the wall- letting the tired feeling I had been feeling all day sink in.

"Want to lay in bed and sleep?" My mom questioned.

"I'm okay" I responded quietly- wanting to feel as less of a patient as possible.

My mom and dad whispered between each other as I watched Netflix from my phone- letting my normal sleeping show start assisting me in becoming more and more tired.


"Her parents are leaving her- and they live in fucking Texas- I told them about the housing and everything, they do not want to stay here" I told Ashton, seeing his confused expression.

"How did Skylar react to that?" He asked.

"She kept her head down- she's not a big talker" I spoke.

He nodded slowly.

"Well, there's not much we can do about the parent situation- it's legal because it's a hospital" he mumbled out.

I exhaled, looking to his face again
"Want to go meet them?" I asked

"Might as well"

I led him to her room, I knocked and pushed the door open, seeing the mom and dad watching tv and Skylar sleeping in a chair in the corner- bundled up in her own hoodie.

"Why didn't she get in bed?" I whispered, grabbing a blanket off of her bed and carefully placing it over her body.

"She doesn't like to feel like a patient"

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