Chapter. 1

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"Come on Em get up you are going to be late for school. Get up lazy ass." My lovely brother kept shaking me. God why don't he leave my the hell alone can't he see I'm sleeping.

"Come Em get the fuck up now." God I thought he left already.

"Josh get the fuck out my room." I said and picked up the first thing my hand touch on my nightstand and throw it at him. I heard him groaned as it hit him and a laughed.

"Glad you find that funny if you don't get up and dressed for school when I come back in here I will throw cold water all over you." He said leaving my room shit I better get up cause knowing him he will. I got up and got dressed in some short shorts and a tank top with cuts along the back to show some skin. I went over to the mirror and put some eyeliner on and head to my closet for my high heel black boots that came up to my knees, I let my long straight black hair fall down to my waist grabbing my stuff and headed out to my baby. You guessed it my black and pink street bike.

I pulled in to my schools parking lot and everybodys head turned I smirked and got off my bike and headed to my friends.

"Damn babe you got the whole school looking at you, you know there's this new kid coming right?" Aiden asked as he slung his arm over my shoulder. He was hot but not as hot as Mason.

"Yea I wonder if his hot?" Mason gave me this look like so what if he is. Yea me and Mason hook up sometimes.

"Lets go to class I can't get into any more trouble or my mom's taking my car." Aiden said and we headed to class. The day went by to slow we were at lunch now talking about the party coming up, when this hot ass geeky guy walked in the lunchroom. Damn if he lost the glasses he would be fine ass hell. I watch him walk to the line and get his lunch and pay for it then started looking around the room for a place to sit. I got up and went over to him.

"Hey sexy you can seat with me over there." I said with my arm around his shoulder.

"I-I don't know." He stuttered. Damn his got the bluest eyes I have ever seen.

"Aww come on you scared?" He looked up at me finally.

"Lead the way." I smirked and headed to the table with my friends. They looked up at us and I can tell Mason wasn't happy but who cares.

"What's your name babe?" I asked him when we took our seats.

"Aaron whats yours?" Damn sexy name to shit this boy is a huge turn on.

"Emily and this is Aiden, Mason, Jake, Roxy." I pointed to each one as I named them they said there hellos. We all talked and lunch was over walking out the lunchroom with Aaron.

"What class do you have next?" I ask him.

"Science I think". Hell yea.

"So do I we can walk together to last period."

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