Chapter. 23

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I can't believe he just did that, she got what she deserved they way I looked at it. He most have not cared to much about me to choose her over me. This is the first time I have actually felt hurt from a guy beside my father. My father did things to me that no father should I'm glad their gone. Kelly most mean alot to him for him to go to her aid. I felt wetness on my check as I was going up the stairs to my room. I will not cry over this boy I have never cried over a male since my father. I'm not about to start today. I got text after text on my phone but I did not even look at them. I turned on my music and sat there listening while laying on my bed. A few minutes later my phone started ringing.


"Em where are you?" Its Aiden.

"I'm at home. "


"Just wanted to get away." He knows its a lie.

"Was it Aaron?" His a good guess.


"I'll be there in five." Hung up the phone. How does he know when something is wrong? Should I give him a chance? I know I said I would but is it to fast? I think I will. Next thing I know Aiden was by my bed kneeling down beside me.

"Are you okay?" When did he come in and how?

"I'm fine Aiden how did you get in?" He smiled that beautiful smile.

"You left your door unlocked I knocked like three times nobody came to the door now I know why."

"Oh ok." He climbed in bed with me after kicking off his shoes. I cuddled into his side thinking about what he said to me.

"Aiden do you really want to be with me? Do you really love me?" He looked down to me and smiled.

"You would make my dreams come true if did go out with me, and yes I love more the anything in this world Em." I smiled up at him. I reached up and kissed him shocks went all threw my body what is that?

"Do you feel that to Aiden?" He smiled.

"Yea like I'm getting shocked by a million electric bolts?"

"Yea." He smirked at me.

"Cause we are meant to be Em." Maybe just maybe his right. He has always been a sweetheart to me.

"Em don't let him get to you, for him to pick her over you makes him the biggest asshole ever." Maybe his wrong maybe she is better for him I am a very bad influence on him.

"Maybe its for the best Aiden." He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean Em I thought you liked him?"

"Well I did but he was so innocent Aid and I'm not, I feel bad for teaching him all those things."

"What do you mean?" He might not want to hear this.

"Dirty things Aiden he was a virgin. "He looked at me with disgusting look on his face.

"Shut up Em I do not want to her about you and him together." I laughed at him.


"Let's go out." What where did that come from.

"To where?"

"The mist." The mist was a small club about 5miles from here. It did sound good.

"Yea sounds good."

"I know the bartender so we could drink to." Damn right now I do want to go.

"Cool yea thats just what I need." He got up from my bed.

"I'm going to go shower and change so I want have to do it letter ok?" I nodded.

"See in little while Em."

"Okay." With that he walked out my room. I got up and looked through my closet to find something to where, I have a nice black dress that huged my figure perfectly and some sexy black and pink heels. Now that I got my outfit picked out I think I'm going to go head and shower to. I showered got out blow dryed my hair straighten it and throw on some cotton shorts and tank top till it was time to go. I'll order pizza and text Aiden to tell we could eat here before we leave.

Don't eat I'm ordering pizza before we leave.E

Okay sounds good almost ready be at yours in a hour.A

Okay see you soon.E

While I was waiting for Aiden I decided to clean up the house some. When I was done putting the dishes in the dishwasher the door bell rang thinking it was the pizza man or Aiden I opened it with a smile until I seen who was at the door.

"What do you want Aaron?"

"I want to talk to you, can I come in?" I looked at the clock Aiden will be here in 15 minutes. I open the door for him to come in.

"You have 5 minutes. "He nodded his head and went to seat on thw couch. I sat in the love seat.

"Listen Emily I'm sorry Kelly told me eveeything but I still could not leave her there like that." I wonder why asshole.

"Do you want to know why you wanted to help her instead of leaving with me?" He looked at me with a frown. I stood up feom the couch passing.

"That's not it Emily I want to be with you." I shook my head god this boy is blind.

"No you don't Aaron I'm just something new to you that's it if you wanted to be with me that bad you would have left her there." I said right after that the door bell rang again opening the door the pizza man was staning there handing him the money and i grabbed the pizza from him when he was leaving Aiden pulled up so I left the door open.

"Emily you got it wrong I want you not her." He followed me into the kitchen. I turned and looked at him.

"If you wanted me Aaron you would have left with me." Aiden walked in the kitchen behind Aaron as I said this.

"Baby I don't want her please take me back I promise to stay away from her please." Aiden looked at me with a frown waiting for me to answer Aaron.

"You already promised that once and looked what happen Aaron it's not going to happen so just go." He looked at like he was going to cry.

"No Emily please listen." God I hate doing this but I can't put my heart there for him to crush it again.

"I think she ask you to leave." Aiden said stepping in front of me.

"Just stay out of it Aiden." Great now got them two arguing.

"Y'all please just stop." They sized ech other up.

"No please can I just talk to you alone?" I can't deal with this right now.

"Aaron I'm sorry but you need to leave." He looked at me then at Aiden and back to me.

"Is he the reason that you don't want to take me back?" I looked at Aiden and then at Aaron.

"No she is the reason I'm not taking you back." He looked up at me.

"Don't let her ruin us."

"She already has, now leave." My voice cracked. He looked at me and to Aiden then he came up to me and kissed me and said the one thing I didn't want to hear.

"Just remember I will always love you." He whispered in my ear before he turned and walked out my house. Why do I feel like a heartless bitch? Forget about Emily you going to have fun with Aiden and forget about Aaron. I ate a piece of pizza and then told Aiden I was going to get dressed. When I got dressed I walk down stairs to Aiden waiting by the door.

"You look amazing. " kissing my check. We walk out going to his car making our way to the club to drink my problems away.

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