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I wake up in Aiden's arms with a blanket wrapped around both of us. I figured since his been amazing boyfriend I could slip off the couch and make him some breakfast. I unwrapped his arms from around me slowly as I could, and slipped off the couch without him waking up. I covered him back up and headed to the kitchen.

Digging in the fridge I found some bacon, eggs and sauage, I got the frying pans that we bought yesterday and got to work. There was a vanilla candle sitting in the middle of the table that I lite. When the sausage and bacon was done I put it in the microwave so it would stay warm while I cooked scramble eggs. About five minutes later I had a full breakfast sitting on the table along with our plates.

"Aiden wake up." I shook him and he rolled over, oh hell no I just cooked breakfast he better wake his ass up.

"Baby wake up." I shook him again and nothing. Maybe a kiss will work.

"Come on baby get up." I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, nothing god his dead to the world. Ahh bacon can get anybody up. Walking back in the kitchen grabbing a piece of bacon. This better work damnit.

"Is that bacon I smell." Really now he ain't getting it.

"Yes it's bacon, I made breakfast and been trying to get you up forever even kissed you and it didn't work but some how bacon does." He sat up and tried to grab the bacon out my hand and I stuffed it in my mouth while running to the kitchen with Aiden on my heels.

"Wow babe you made this for me?" He put his arms around me from behind.

"No I made this for me and you." I turned and pecked him.

"Come on it's going to get cold." We sat down at the table and ate.

"This is realky goid babe but can I ask why you cook breakfast for me?" I smiled at him.

"Cause I love you and being a wonderful boyfriend." He smirked.

"I love you to. "When we got done eating I washed the dishes and headed straight for the livingroom to get started.

I put a big red area hug under the glass coffee table, some lamps and flowers and a few pictures. Folding the blanket we used lastnight and put it over the back of the couch, it looked good finally it don't look empty.

"Babe come here tell me what you think." Aiden came in the livingroom.

"Wow just that little bit of stuff makes it look good and not to girlie." Why is he dressed up?

"Where are you going?" He looked at me like I lost my mind.

"Gradation?" Shit I forgot.

"Crap do we have to go?" He laughed.

"I would say no but that's the only way I get to keep this apartment, so go get ready." Great I hope my mom ain't there.

Sorry it's been awhile y'all with the holiday season I won't be updating any of my storys very often. Hope you guys like this chappy.




Please ;)

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