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We went to science and sat together I decided to try something fun to see if he liked me. I dropped my pencil off the desk.

"Shit" I bend down to get my pencil off the floor making sure to face my back to him that showed my skin and tattoo on my lower back and lended back up turning to face a blushing Aaron. Hell yea that means he was looking. We sat silent the rest of the class when the bell rong we both stood up and grabbed our stuff heading out the door.

"Do you have a car?" I asked as we walked out the main door of the school.

"No I take the bus." He is so hot, he makes me want to jump him right here.

"I can give you ride if you want". He looked down at me with a smile.

"Sure if you don't mind."

"Sure come on". I took his hand and lead him to my baby.

"T-this is what you drive?" He looked scared shittless right now.

"Yea why you scared?" I smirked.

"No but I never rode one."

"Well hop on the back and take me to yours." He got on behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"It's better to hold my waist Aaron." He slowly put his hands around my waist I laughed.

"You might want to hold on tight." I said as I started my baby and took off.

When we pulled up to his house it happened to be right next door to mine fuck yea. He jumped off and said thanks. I drove over to my driveway and went in the house straight to my room opening my blinds please have the room upstairs I prayed. Sure enough he walked in his room and pulled his shirt off and omg he had a fucking eight pack. I throw my bookbag down and started stripping heading in the bathroom to take a shower.

Getting out the shower I dried off and put my lacy boy shorts on and matching bra and walked out of the bathroom going to my closet to get my pjs and when I turned around I caught his blue eyes before he turned back to his homework. I did the same getting my work done and over with.

My brother walked in and told me to take some brownies to the new neighbors I smiled and said sure. Knocking on the door and before I knew Aaron opened the door.

"Hey my brother thought it would be nice to give this to the new neighbors. " Aaron looked down at the brownies and back up to me.

"Cool do you want to come in?" I nodded and he stepped aside.

"I was working on some homework do you want to come to my room?" Aaron asked looking at the floor.

"Sure why not". I smirked. He lead us up the stairs to his room not much just a queen size bed and dresser and nightstands his walls were blue and carpet was white. He laid down on his bed as I walked around his room I looked out his window and its a clear view of my room. I smiled.

"Did it hurt?" Aaron asked. Huh did I miss something.


"Your tattoo did it hurt?" Oh so thats what he meant, I sat down on his bed.

"Not that bad". I said and he blushed alittle.

"Can I see it?"

"Yea". I turned around and pulled up my shirt.

"I like it, can I touch it?" Hell yea baby you touch me anywhere.

"Yea sure". I smirked but when I felt his fingers run over my cross it was like shock went throught my whole body. His finger lingered. I turned slowly making his finger run across my hip bone to my pirsed belly button. "Fuck".

"Oh I'm sorry I didnt mean to." I wanted him so bad.

"It's okay Aaron you did nothing wrong in fact you are doing everything right." He looked confused.

"What do you mean Emily?" Holly fuck the way my name sounds coming from him.

"I want you Aaron." At first he didn't caught on but when my finger ran down his chest his eyes got huge.

"E-Emily we can...". I didn't let him finish before my lips was on his neck suck and bitting trying to find his spot and once I did find it he shot up off the bed.

"Emily we can't". I got up and walked over to him smirking.

"Why?" He looked down at me running my hands up and down his chest.

"I-I". He didn't finish and I just got what he was trying to tell me. His a virgin what the fuck.

"You never had sex Aaron?" He blushed and shook his head.

"We don't have to have sex Aaron I can just make you feel good." I said kissing his neck again.

"Emily why?" He asked.

"I told you I want you, you got me so wet right now Aaron." He grasped and I pulled my shirt off and throw it on the floor he stood there looking a my boobs for minute before his eyes met mine.

"Do you want to touch them Aaron?" He blushed and put his head down. Well I guess that is a yes. I walked closer and grab his hands to brought it to my boobs.

"What are yo?" He didn't finish as he cup my boob. Fuck this boy had to many clothes on. I reached for his shirt and pulled it up over his head. God darn his body is sexy, I ran my hand down his bare chest and when I reached his jeans he grasped.

"Emily we can't". Fuck why not it feels so right.

"Why Aaron I seen you looking at me thru the window early." He blushed again. I put my finger under his chin and lifted his head back face me.

"Just let me make you feel good Aaron please we don't have to fuck." He blushed again and didn't say anything I started kissing his neck again and kissed down his chest to his little happy trail. I unzipped his pants and pulled them down some, running my hand into his boxers and damn was he huge. I pulled him out and looked up before getting on my knees and as soon as I put him in my mouth he groaned and throw his head back. I went to grab for his balls and I heard the front door open shit. I stood up real fast and buttoned his pants back looking for his shirt the same time I was looking for mine.

"Who is it?" I asked

" Probably my dad." He said sitting on his bed while I just slipped my shirt on his dad came into his room shit that was close.

"Aaron oh hey who are you?" He asked confused.

"I'm Emily sir I live next door and go to school with you son." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you Emily I'm John." He said shacking my hand if he only knew where my hands have been.

"Okay I will let you get back to whatever you were doing nice meeting you." I told him the same and when I turned around Aaron's face was beet red.

"So that means we can finish?" I looked at Aaron and he shook his head. Damn.

"Sorry Emily but my dad's down there".

"Okay but if you change your mind my window stays unlocked." I told him as I grabbed his phone and stored my number.

"Thanks see you tomorrow? " he said.

"Yea see ya goodnight Aaron." I went and kissed him and he was shocked at first but kissed back. He said goodnight and I went back home.

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