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I came home after the agreement with Emily, should I mad at her? Did I overreact?  I don't know what to do I want to trust her but how can I with the background she has? Maybe I did overreact it just a little but it pissed me off to see her with him all cuddled up in the bed together. I laid down in my bed back couldn't stop thinking about her. Should I go talk to her? No she told me to leave that she was pissed but I want to go over there. I decided to text her.

Hey you still up. A I waited and waited she didn't text back.

I'm so sorry baby please talk to me.A

What do u want? E

Please let me come over and talk to you.A

You pissed me off Aaron.E

I know baby and I'm sorry I was just mad please let me make it up to you.A

What do u have mind? E

Let me show u open ur window.A

She didn't reply but she did get up and open her window. I climbed over and when I got in she was laying in her bed with her back to me.

"Baby turn around and let's talk." She didn't turn around but I took my shirt off and pants and climbed in with her. I started kissing up her back to her neck then to her ear.

"Baby please don't be mad at me." She turned and kissed me hard. Okay maybe she ain't mad.

I pulled the cover down to her knees and she was only in her bra and panties. I kissed her neck then the valley of her breast, she took her hands and put them in my hair. I ran my fingers slowly down her breast to her stomach and continued to the inside of her panties, playing with her nub just like she showed me and she moaned.

"You want to know how to make it up to me?" She asked in a pant.

"Yea baby tell me." She moaned again.

"Bend me over this bed right now and take me." My little friend just stiffened even more.

"Okay I can try." She got up and pulled her panties down bending over the bed. Shit. I got a condom out my pants and put it on, lining up with her center I slowly pushed in and I groaned. I can feel so much better like this, good this girl drives me crazy.

"Damn baby faster." I did I pumped in and out of her god I was so close and she is to I can feel her walls clench around me. That did it for me I picked up my pace she was moaning and that's all it took for me to cum. I got off of her and went to her bathroom to flush the condom and went back out to put my boxers on and laid down with her in my arms.

"Baby I'm really sorry I shouldn't have blow up like that."

"Aaron, Aiden is my best friend always has been." I know but he does love her I can tell by the way he looks at her.

"I know baby I'm sorry." She turned and kissed me.

"It's okay night babe." She turned in my arms and thats how we fell asleep.

The Bad Girl Everybody Wants (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now