Chapter. 40

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I went and got a shower and got dressed,  now its time to put on this ugly cap and gown that we have to wear. Aiden was already dressed and ready to go, god I hope my mom wasn't going to be there. I walked put into the livingroom to see Aiden watching t.v.

"You ready to go to this stupid thing or what?" I askd Aiden he turned and looked at me with a smile.

"Yes, and how do you still look hot as hell with this stupid shit on?" I laughed and we made our way to his car. The drive was nerve wrecking. Will my brother be there? Will my sorry excuse for a mom be there? I really hope not. Aiden most have sensed my nerves cause he reavhed over and grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"If she's here as soon as we get our diploma we can leave." I nodded and we got out. We made our way to the football field where we were having the ceremony. This place was packed. We stopped and say pur hellos to our friends we were called up in a Abc ordered line. So Aiden wasn't to far ahead of me, with his last name being Collins and mine being Cox's. The principal started his speech and then started calling names off the list. I scanned the audience to see if I seen my mom or brother, I finally landed on my brother and of course my bitch of a mother beside him. Just fucking great. I was pulled out of my daydream when I heard my name being called.

"Emily Cox's." I walked across the stage and you could here Aiden and my brother the most out of all my friends. The principal handed me my diploma and shook my hand and I walked off stage to Aiden.

"She fucking here Aiden." He frowned and looked around until he found her.

"Your brother is here to." I shook my head and looked there way. When everybody was called and we throw our caps in the air I was ready to leave this hell hole. I turned around to tell Aiden I was ready when he looked at me his eye's got hugh at something behind me. Shit I know eho iy was before I even turned around.

"Emily you going to leave before your big bro could get a hug?" Josh said as he wrapped his arms around me. My mother behind him looking at the ground.

"Why is your room empty?" I know this was coming.

"Why don't you ask your bitch of a mother." He looked shocked along with the bitch herself.

"Em!" Josh yelled. He turned to look at mom.

"We got into and she left." She a lieing bitch. God I hate her.

"No that's not why, she hit me and then called me a whore and told me to get the hell out of her house." I gave her the evil eye.

"What is that true?" Josh looked at mom.

"Yea after she said some mean things to me to, I can't take her mouth around the house anymore." Josh looked taking back.

"When the hell are you ever there to take her mouth? And you hit her, are you fucking crazy?" Josh blow up.

"When the hell are you ever home?" Mom shot back at Josh.

"I'm in college making something of myself, and I'm not a fucking parent you are, well were. Fuck you and don't ever come back into our lives." With that me, Aiden and Josh walked to the parking lot.

"Em do you have a place to stay?" Josh asked.

"Yeah she's staying with me." Aiden said.

"And who are you?" Josh eyed Aiden up and down.

"His my boyfriend Josh." Josh nodded.

"You better take good care of her or I will beat your ass." I laughed and Aiden nodded.

"Okay looks like I got to get all my shit out of that bitchs house so I can head back." I hugged him and told him thank you for coming.

"Keep in touch Em." With that he left, now just me and Aiden.

"Ready to start our life with no school and parents not tellings us what to do 24/7." Aiden said holding my door for me. I walked up about to get in but I got a idea, pushing my body flush with his.

"I'm ready to fuck you in every spot I can in our apartment, do you think you can handle that?" Aiden got stiff and so did his friend downstairs.

"Damnit Em, get in the fucking car." I laughed and jumped in, he ran around the car got in and took off.

I am finally happy with my life and the people in it. This is going to be great living with Aiden and being with Aiden with no worrys. I truly do love him with all my heart. Finally the ice has broke around my cold heart and its all because of Aiden. I can forget my past and live my futher with Aiden Collins.

Thats the end!

I hope yall liked it, I know it might ha e been a short story but it really wasn't going anywhere else. I don't know if I will do a squeal. Let's see what y'all think.  Should I do a squeal?  Let me know how you liked this story please, thanks for reading guys and voting. It's been a pleasure.



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