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When my last class was over I went to my locker and put my bookbag in there and headed out to meet Aiden. I was leaning against my bike when I spotted Aaron walk out the school with the slut right behind him he caught my eye and headed my way shit.

"What are you doing?" He asked right when he said that Aiden walked of the school and raised a eyebrow at me I waved to him and I guess Aaron caught on.

"You leaving with him?" I looked at him with a smirk.

"No his leaving with me." He frowned.

"Okay why can't I leave with you instead of him?"

"Why don't you ride with your slut, remember that's how you got here?" Aiden was now standing beside me.

"You ready Em?" Aiden asked looking at Aaron.

"Yea let's go." I was getting on the bike and Aiden behind me.

"You are really going to leave with him?"

"Yea sure am tell me how it feels ok." With that I spun wheels out the parking lot. Headed to the warehouse, once we walked in it still look the same.

"I'm going to go change if my clothes are still here."

"Me to." Aiden said and we went to get changed. My clothes was still here short black spandex shorts and a black and white sports bra. I walked out to start to warm up. Going to the punching bag I started punching hard and fast letting all my anger out on the bag. I felt hands on my waist.

"Don't wear yourself out already Em." He was right, I started kicking the bag. Couple more minutes on the bag I turned to Aiden who was also punching a different bag.

"You ready to lose babe?" He smirked.

"You wish." He laughed and got in the ring putting on our gloves and mouth pieces.

"Ready?" He shook his head yes and we started to circle each other, he tried to kick me with his right foot but I dodged it. I tried to punch him with my left he dodged it. Shit his pretty good. I brought my foit up like I was going to kick so he could block it and when I did he blocked it just as my right fist connected with his face.

"Damn someone's sneaky and got one hell of a punch." I smiled and he hit me with his left I stagger back a few steps and go to kick which he blocks then throwing a left and right fist he dodge the left but when the right came he was unexpected and it came with force that knocked him on his ass. I sat on top of him.

"Someone got their ass beat by a girl." I laughed and he started tickling me which somehow he ending up on top of me tickling the hell out of me. He stopped and looked down at me. I know what he was bout to do so before he had a chance I reach my leg up in front of his chest and throw him backwards.

"Damn Em you still got the fighting moves even though you don't fight anymore." He was right sometimes I miss fighting.

"Are we done?"

"Yea I'm good I need a shower."

"Okay just let me go change and we can leave." I went to the shower room and changed I will take a shower when I get home. I walked out to Aiden he was dressed and ready, we walked out to the bike and headed to his house when we got there he got off and looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

"I hate to see him hurt you like that Em." Aww his to sweet.

"I know Aiden."

"Just please promise me when and if you two break up you will give me a chance Em?" This boy has got to love me to put up with me this long and still have love for me.

"I promise Aiden, now go shower you stink. " I smirked at him, he laughed.

"Okay goodnight Em." With that he walked to his house and took off to mine.

How many times does Aaron got to mess up before she calls it quits?

Hope y'all like it so far.

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