Chapter . 13

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Okay so I woke up late this morning got dressed in the first thing I saw in my closet and ran out the door to my baby. Once I got to school it was already second period. I busted throught the door and gave the teacher the note from the office, I took my seat next to Mason. I really need to find another seat. Mason looked over to me and smirked.

"Stay up to late with Aiden or you nerd? "He really pissed me off sometimes.

"That's none of your business asshole." I turned to face the front but his hand landed on my thigh making me look at him.

"You know you miss this babe, Aiden or that nerd can not come close to what I do to you." He said as his hand went further up my thigh. I grabbed his hand and released it once it was off my leg.

"I bet they can but I don't know cause I haven't Fucked either of them so back the hell off Mason." Well it wasn't totally a lie. When the bell rang I grabbed my shit and ran out the classroom.

Third period was not very fun I actually fell asleep and I couldn't wait for the bell to ring for lunch. Just then the bell rang and jumped up and headed to my locker to drop off my books. I think I will seat with Aaron today if his not with his sluts. I shut my locker and made my way to the lunchroom. I walked in and went to the line to get my tray once I had it I turned and looked for Aaron. I found him alright sitting with his cousin and the slut was in his lap kissing up his neck, fucking  bitch god I hate her. I looked for Aiden and seen him just entering the lunchroom he seen me and smiled.

"Hey Emily wait for me and we can seat together ok?" He asked I nodded and waited for him to get his food. Once he did we took a seat at a empty table. Aiden was saying something and I wasn't paying attention,  I looked over to Aaron and he looked up and met my eyes with the bitch still on his lap. I can't believe his doing this after yesterday. I looked back at Aiden and he was frowning.


"Don't let it get to Emily, he doesn't deserve you." God this boy. Why can't I just fall for Aiden and not Aaron? Why am I waisting my time trying to get Aaron when there is this perfect boy right in front of me.

"You know what Aiden your right." He looked at me with surprise in his eyes.

"So what now? "

"You want to come over after school?" Please say yes.

"Sure." Aiden smiled. We finished eating and went to our last two classes and I told him to meet me at my bike at the end of the day. The last two classes went bye pretty fast. Stuffing my books in my locker I made my way to the front of the school, I scaned the parking lot looking for Aiden and there he was looking sexy as hell leaning against my bike. He caught my eye and seen me staring him up and down and his smile turned into a smirk. Oh god Emily don't jump him when you get him home.

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