Chapter. 11

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After Aiden left I laid in my bed thinking about Aaron of course. Why can't I get him out my head? Why does it piss me off to see him with someone else? Do I have feelings for him? As much as I tell myself I don't I think I do. I know some of you are thinking how I ended up this way and why I never have a adult in the house well let me explain. My real parents are locked up for the things they did to me, I'm not going to get into that now. My adopted mom is a Doctor so she's never home. Many thoughts are running threw my mind. Is that Aaron's girlfriend? Why does Aiden care about me so much? I'm not that special, I'm a bad girl with a very fucked up past. Many think I'm a slut but that's how I vent my past.

I have most of dosed off cause I woke to my phone ringing. With a husky voice I answer the phone.


"Hey Emily why did you leave with Aiden today? " asked Mason.

"I just needed to get away Mas." I heard him sign.

"I could have came with you and made you feel better." God these boys.

"Mason I think we need to stop having sex." He grasped.

"What?" He yelled.

"You heard me I can't do this no more."

"Is this about that geek?"

"No Mason it's about me."

"I see you got Aiden as your fuck buddy now you don't need me right?" He was pissed.

"No Mason no one is my fuck buddy now just drop it."

"Fuck you Emily." And he hung up on me. Great im just pissing everybody off today.

I decided to get out the house for awhile grabbing my bike keys and heading to the park down the road. I went to the swings and sat down just thinking about everything once again. What would my life be like if my parents didn't do those things to me? Would I have met my friends and Aaron? I think I'm losing my bad girl touch. I felt somebody seat beside me but didn't look up I was to deep in thought. God I'm going crazy here, I don't know what to think or feel.

I finally looked up and seen Aiden seating next to me just straing.

"What are you doing here? Come to tell me to fuck off to?"

"No Emily I came to see how you were doing?" He didn't seem so sure.

"I'm fine Aiden." He looked at me like he didn't believe one word of what I told him.

"I know you Emily you are not fine." He said and my eyes watered up. Great.

"It's nothing Aiden really. " he turned to face me in the swing.

"Emily look at me. I'm here for you, to talk about what's on your mind you don't have to put that bad girl shield up for me." I don't deserve him.

"Aiden I don't deserve you. I was just thinking why I turned out the way I am right now, what my parents did to me, why I hurt when I see Aaron with another girl? Why I hurt to hurt you? Why I'm so alone and at the sametime got so many great friends? I don't know what is wrong with me Aiden." I looked at him and he brought his thumb up to wipe away my tears that I didn't know was there.

"Emily you deserve to be happy no matter who's in your life or not. I know you got a bad past but worry about the futher and live your life to the fullest and take chances. As for Aaron don't let him hurt you cause you to good for him and me. I'm just happy to be in your life no matter if is as a friend." This made more tears come out. He reached over and hugged me and I felt so safe in his arms. Why can't I like him instead of Aaron? Why does life have to be so complicated?

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