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Emily left school she left with Aiden on the back of her bike, it bugs me just a little. I bet your wonder who the two girls are that been at my house while one is my cousin and the other is her best friend my ex. Yes she broke my heart before and she did ask for me to give her another chance I haven't decided yet if I am going to. I like Emily alot but I once loved Kelly, so I don't know what to do.

Here I am in my room thinking should I give Kelly another chance or should I give Emily a chance?  I don't think Emily wants a relationship but I do like her alot.  I don't know what to do and it is driving me crazy.


I was currently laying on my bed thinking about what Aiden said to me, just can't get it out my head how sweet he can be. Aaron I don't know what to do about him right now I'm pissed at him and the slut he had on his arm. Fuck. The door bell rang and I groaned and got up to go answer the door. When I opened it I did not expect it to be Aaron.

"What do you want? "

"Can I talk to you? " oh now he knows me. I open the door wider and walk upstairs to my room leaving Aaron to close the door and fellow me.

"Okay what do you want to talk about?" I looked up at him.

"That girl at the party was my cousin. " okay why is he telling me this?

"Okay but the last time I saw you, you had another slut hanging off your arm." He looked down at me sitting on the bed.

"She's my ex girlfriend." Oh okay I get it.

"Wow okay then what are you waiting for my approval? " he looked at me pissed off.

"No Emily I just wanted to clear things up between me and you. "Okay now we are getting somewhere. I stood up and walked over to him he nervously took steps back and I took forward. When his back hit the wall I put my hands on his chest and whispered in his ear.

"Did you come here to talk Aaron or do you have something else in mind." I ran my hand down to his waistline of his jeans. He looked up and kissed me which shocked the hell out of me and it was a hugh turn on. I reach my hand in his pants and palm him through his boxer's I heard him grasp. As I was rubbing him through his boxer's he asked me something that throw me off and my hand froze.

"Emily do you want a relationship with anyone right now?" What the hell? I thought about the last person I loved hurt me and I don't think I could.

"No not as of right now Aaron why?" He looked upset.

"Just wondering." He said and looked down to my hands on his chest now. I was confused why would he ask that?

"I have to get back home." He said and pushed off the wall head to my door. No.

"Wait Aaron." He turned and looked at me.

"Mabye if I could trust that person yes I would want one." He smiled and said bye and left me standing there with my own thoughts.

The Bad Girl Everybody Wants (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now