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When me and Aiden left the lake he took me home and said he see me first thing in the morning for breakfast. I walked up stairs turning a movie on and stripped down to my underwear and got into bed.

I woke up moaning thinking it was Aiden I keep my eyes closed as he ran his tongue up and down my heated core damn this feels good he stuck two fingers in pumping in and out of me.

"Fuck Aiden." I moaned and he began to get ruffer pumping hard and fast. Wow his trying new things and it turned me on to no end. He licked one more time and thats all it took,  I finally opened my eye's to see him and came face to face with Aaron what the fuck was he thinking? What the hell did I just do? Oh my god I just cheated on Aiden?

"What the fuck did you just do? Why would you do that?" He smirked at me.

"I wanted you so I came over and seen you were sleeping and gave you what you been missing." No he just didn't. I got up and slapped the piss out of him.

"Leave my fucking house and don't ever come back, you fucked up Aaron you chose her it was you choose now fucking leave." He looked shocked and pissed at the same time with my hand print on his cheek.

"You'll fucking regret that." He said before he went back out the window. Should I tell Aiden? Yes I should but not now I tell him tomorrow at school.  My thoughts were all over the place wondering if Aiden would leave me or if he would understand. I most have fell asleep because I woke up to my alarm blasting turning it off I got and got a shower and got dressed. My phone rang and I knew it was Aiden.


"Hey baby you ready to go get breakfaat?" God I need to tell him but im scared he will leave me.

"Yea do you want me to meet you there?" I don't want him anywhere near Aaron.

"No I'm on my way to pick you up." Shit. Think Em think.

"Okay I will be waiting outside for you."

"Okay baby see you in a minute. "

"Ok bye. "

"Bye." I grabbed my bag and went outside to wait for Aiden. When he pulled up and got opened the door for me I felt so guilty, we went to eat and talked about anything and everything I don't deserve this boy. No I didn't tell him I'm going to tell him after school not in public. We just pulled up to school and got out Aaron was standing with his slut and Mason was standing with his crowd, Aiden walked me to each class.

I was headed to lunch looking for Aiden but don't see him yet so I went to the line to get my food and I felt a tap on my shoulder turning around to find Aiden not just Aiden a pissed off Aiden.

"How could you Em?" He looked broken, if Aaron told him I'm going to fucking kill him.

"What are you talking about Aiden?" Ok he was hot when he was pissed.

"You been messing around behind my back with Aaron and you fucking played me, you told me you loved me Em and I was stupid enough to believe you. You can fucking have Aaron and whoever else I'm done." Oh hell no your not getting off that easy.

"Aiden I was going to tell you after school please believe me and I do love you not him." He looked like he didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry Em I can't. "He started to walk away and I grabbed his arm.

"Please tell me who told you." He looked up at me and said the one person I would never dream of.

"Kelly." Oh that fucking bitch, with that he walked away. Looking around the lunchroom to find the fucking slut, and what do you know there she seats with Aaron. I walked over to there table and punched her with everything I had, she flew back out of her chair passed out cold on the floor.

"What the fuck Em?" All I seen was red. I pulled back again and punched Aaron in the face he fell but got back up. I got in his face.

"You fucking asshole stay away from me I don't want you and never will and it's best you keep your fucking slut under check before I kill her." With that I walked away I heard someone running behind me does he not get it I turned around to hit him again but it was Mason and he cought my fist.

"Woo killer." He smiled.

"I don't got time for this Mason." He smirked.

"You need a ride right." Shit I didn't drive. I will just walk.

"No I'm walking." Turning around to walk away he grabbed my arm.

"Just let me give you a ride." He looked hopeful.

"Okay take me to the gym?" He nodded and walked me to his car and opened the door for me. God why did that bitch have to open her mouth I was going to tell him in private.

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