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It's the weekend and I'm at the mall trying to find me a dress yes I am here by myself,  I didn't want Aiden to see the dress until prom night. I have went in and out alot of stores but can't seem to find the right one, I don't want anything girly or colorful. I want my dress to be like me bad ass and sexy. I went in forever 21 maybe they have something, looking around the store I find a dress I like its black beaded straps that go around your neck, short and sexy I like it. I got someone to get it for me and I tried it on and damn it hugged my figure like a glove. Aiden will sure love this. I payed for the dress and went to the food court to get something to eat before going home. I was sitting down eating when a thought came to me Victoria Secret was to my right I could stop by there and get a sexy oufit to wear for Aiden. After going to Victoria Secret I got on my bike and went home to shower before I called Aiden. After showering and putting on my outfit that I bought I had a plan.

"Hello." Aiden answered on the second ring.


"You back from the mall?"

"Yes my dress is black." I bet he already knew that.

"Figured, what are you doing now?" Seating here with a sexy ass outfit waiting for you.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to come over for awhile?" He laughed.

"Of course you know I want give up on spending time with you." Yes just what I wanted to hear.

"Okay come on, just come on in I'll be in my room."

"Okay be there in five." After that he hung up and I got some music going and dimmed my lights and laid on the bed waiting for him to get here. I heard the front door open and close, he was here I'm bout to show him the time of his life. He walked in my room and his jaw dropped.

"Holy fucking shit." I guess that means he likes it.

"Don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open come here." It didn't take him long to kick off his shoes and walk over to my bed, but I stopped him from getting on it.

I reached up and pulled his shirt off and kissed down his neck to his chest down his six pack, when I reached his jeans I unbuttoned and unzipped them letting his jeans and boxers fall to the floor he stepped out of them. Taking his hard cock in my hand and entering it in my mouth I played with the tip first before trying to take all in my mouth.

"Fuck baby." He groaned holding my hair back. I continued with my long and slow strokes.

"Baby I'm not going to last much longer if you don't stop." I released him reaching up to kiss him while I pulled him on the bed to lay flat on his back, I went to take off my outfit but he stopped me.

"Keep it on, it looks hot as hell on you." I nodded and just pulled off the thong and threw it to the floor. I straddled him going up for a kiss one more time before I sat on him entering me slowly,  he grabbed my hips trying to take control but I wouldn't let him. I rode him slow and soft and with his moans it was very hard to keep control.

"Baby please it feels good but please go faster." I continued going slow and rolled my hips in a circular motion his grip on me tightened.

"Em please your torturing me." I love that he was begging me. I picked up my pace just alittle to drive him crazy. He groaned and flipped us and started trusting in me hard and fast and it felt amazing bring me to my climax along with him. Once we caught our breath he laid down beside me facing me.

"I will so get you back for that." He started tickling me.

"S-stop Aiden." I laughed hitting him. He smile was something to see and I want to see it more. He stopped tickling me and got serious.

"Put your panties back on so I can take a picture of you?" He asked and I got up putting my thong back on.

"Where do you want me?" I said seductive.

"On the bed lay down." I walk to the bed and laid down while he took pictures of me.

"What are you going to do with those pics?" He smirked.

"Put it on my home screen so I can see your sexy ass everyday." Ok.

"Then everybody else will see my sexy ass to." He frowned and then smirked.

"But they will know your sexy ass belongs to me and not them." I laughed and pull him to me for a heated kiss. God I love this boy.

Sorry it took so long I will try to update every other day now, got caught up in a book called Outside The Ropes y'all should read it, it's great.

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