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I waking up with Em wrapped in my arms, I can't wait for us to graduate so I can spend every morning and night with her wrapped in my arms. She is gorgeous when she is asleep with her mouth partly open and her long eyelashes fanning her checks. I can't believe that asshole lastnight if he thinks for one second his getting Em back his fucking crazy in the head. She's mine now and I plan on keeping it that way for a while. I reach up and trace her cheek and she starts to wake up, god I could stare at her forever.

"Good morning babe." She said in a husky voice.


I wake up wrapped up in Aidens arms my head on his chest. His even hot as hell first thing in the morning.

"Good morning babe." My voice is deep with sleep.

"Good morning to you, want to go and get some breakfast? " Aiden asked and I nodded my head.

"Okay well lets get dressed and then we will go." I got up and we both went to the bathroom and got dressed. He is being so sweet, I can't believe Aaron lastnight. What the hell was he thinking? Oh well my man got him a good hit.

Me and Aiden went to eat breakfast we talked about everything we are going to do to the apartment, about what happened last night, it was good just hanging out with him. He told me tomorrow we can go and start buying stuff for our apartment. I can't wait but in away I'm scared, what if he don't like me staying there with him? What if he kicks me out with no where to go? That's just some things that was on my mind as he drove me home. We pulled up in the driveway and my mom's car is parked there. Wow this is a first in along time. Aiden looked at me confused.

"It's my mom's car." He nodded.

"Will you be okay or do you want me to come in with you?" I looked at my mom's car and then back at Aiden.

"I'll be fine." He leaned over and kissed me.

"Call me when you ready. " I nodded and got out of his car to face the women who is supposed to be my foster mom. Well, here we go.

Hope you guys like it. It will end soon. I got two other books I'm writing so hope you check them out.

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