Chapter. 30

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It's been a week and still nothing, there's prom posters everywhere in school and many boy's have asked me but not Aiden. If he asks me I only got a week to get a dress before prom. I wonder what he is planning after school is out? What will he do go to college?  I have no clue what I want to do, I know I definitely don't want to go to college right now. I'm sitting in my last class of the day not paying attention to the teacher, all I can think about is Aiden. When the bell rings I jump out my chair heading to my locker where my boyfriend is lending against with a smirk.

"Nice day?" Aiden asked.

"No it sucked ass." He laughed and walked me out to his car.

We made it to my house, we are sitting on my bed watching t.v. with Aiden playing with my hair.

"What are you thinking about?" Great even he noticed.

"Nothing." He pulled me up to him so I was facing him now.

"What are you doing when you graduate?" He asked me.

"I don't know, I want to live little before going off to college." He nodded his head.

"So do I, Em I got something to ask you." I nodded his finally going to ask me to go to prom.

"This maybe to soon but I got a apartment the day of graduation I'm moving in and I would like it if you moved in with me?" What the fuck? Okay don't freak out.

"What?" He nodded.

"I want you to move in with me." His fucking serious. This might be good.

"Okay I can give it a try." He had the biggest smile on his face I seen in a long time. I can't believe he forgot about prom.

"Oh and one more thing, will you go to prom with me?" Finally.

"Yes I will." I kissed him, my life is coming together finally going to prom, moving in with my boyfriend life can't get much better.

Sorry so short next one will be longer just didn't know where to take this chapter sorry.

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