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I woke up the next morning with Aaron still on the brain, what is up with me? Pushing my thoughts away I went to the bathroom and did my business and went downstairs to get something to eat. While eating my toast I looked out the side window in the kitchen and seen Aaron in his back yard looking hot as hell. I finished my toast and put on my flip flops and walked to Aaron's backyard.  His going to tell me what his problem was yesterday.

"Hey Lover Boy. " I said with a smile. He turned and frowned. What the hell?

"What do you want Emily?" Ok he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked him.

"I don't know Emily all the thing's we do together and you still jump on that damn bike and leave with another guy?" Okay his jealous that's a good sign right.

"Aaron me and Mason didn't do anything yesterday. " I told him. He signed and right when he was about to open his mouth to reply a sluty girl walked out to the back yard which made both of us look up.

"Aaron babe I need you for a minute. " she said in her annoying ass voice. Oh so he can be pissed at me for leaving with Mason but he can have a bitch at his house? Fuck him I don't need this shit. He looked at me to her and back to me.

"I just be leaving now. " I said with a frown on my face what the hell is going on. I walked back to my house cussing him for every name in the book. I can't wait for the party tonight I'm getting waisted.

It was time for the party and I was dressed in I tight black mini shrit and a strapless black belly shirt putting my black high heels, grabbing my bike keys and walking out the door.

I walked into Jesse's house and the music was beating and people were dancing everywhere. I soptted Mason and Aiden and a few of there other friends in the kitchen getting drinks. Well I'm bout to get shit faced. After about five shots and three mixed drinks Aaron was off the brain. Until the devil himself walked in the door with that slut. What is he doing here? Damn he was hot with his light jeans and black V-neck and with no glasses on.

The girl took him straight to the dance floor and damn he could dance. Aiden came up to me and ask me if I wanted to dance, I nodded and he lead me to the dance floor. I grinded on him and I can feel his little friend come to surface which didn't feel so little. I look over to Aaron and he is watching us with a pissed off face.

The night was uneventful when me and Aiden stopped dance I told them I was heading home. Walking out to my bike I felt somebody walking behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Aaron.

"What do you want Aaron? "

"You don't need to drive your drunk so you can ride with me home." Oh hell no.

"Aaron just go back to your little slut inside ok I'm fine." I said getting on my bike putting the key in.

"Emily she's. " I didn't let him finish I started my bike and took off.

The Bad Girl Everybody Wants (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now