Chapter. 15

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When I got home I went straight to my bathroom to take a shower real quick before Aaron got here. When I got out I put on some sexy black and Hot pink lacy boy shorts and bra to match, I was going to show him what he picked. Putting my white robe on going back in my room turning my ipod on laying down listening to the soft sound of Alicia keys. When I heard a tap on my window I went over and open it for Aaron, he stepped in and looked at me from head to toe and blushed looking at the floor.

"Don't be all shy now Aaron its okay." He looked back up at me.

"Okay now what do we do?" His so innocent but I love that about him. Wait what? I walk up to him and kiss him which he puts his hands around my waist god this boys touch is all I want right now. I reach behind him and close the window and blinds, he looks at me confused. I walk over to my bedroom door shut and lock it.

"What are you doing Emily?" Oh you are so about to see. I walked to the middle of the room as the song changed on my ipod, I untie my robe and let it drop to the floor. His eyes got Huge, I started to sway my hips to the beat of the song and I can see him watching my every move. I walk over to him grab his hand and walk him to the middle of the room with me.

"E-Emily what are....?"

"Shhh Aaron." I say as I turn my back to him and move real close where there's no space between us and start swaying to the beat once again. I feel his hands go to my hips, his touch is soft. I start to grind on him and I hear him take a sharp breath and his grip tightening on my hips, good his enjoying this. I move deeper to him and harder and he takes me by the arm and turns me around and kisses me licking my bottom lip for entrance I gladly accepted, as we kiss his hands explore my body and damn where did the hell did this side of him come from? I grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted up and off of his sexy ass body. I look up at him his eyes hooded telling me that he is turned on.

"Emily." That sounds so good coming from his mouth.

"Yes babe?" I said as I kiss down his neck.

"I think I want you." Well you better be damn sure.

"You think or you know Aaron?" I say as I ran my hand down his six pack to the button on his jeans.

"Emily I want you show me how?" There it is hell yea. I undone his jeans and let them fall to his ankles he kicks off his shoes and jeans.

"Lay on the bed Aaron." He goes to the bed and lays down while I go to my nightstand and get a condom.

"Are you sure Aaron?" He nodded and climb on top of him grinding against him.

"Emily please." Okay lover boy. I lean up and take my bra and panties off he looks and his eyes are big.

"Take your boxers off Aaron." He slowly pulls his boxer's down and damn his a nice size.

"Do you know how to put this on?" I hold up the condom.

"No." I nodded.

"I'm going to put it on you so watch ok?" He nods and I take the condom and roll it on his dick, he grasps and looks up to me.

"You ready?"

"Yea." Okay theres no going back now.

"You sure?" I say leeaning up over him. He nodded.

I slowly take him in my hand and lower down on him so just the head is in.

"Fuck." He says and I stop.

"You okay?"

"Yea it feels good." I laugh and kiss him.

"Can I continue? "

"Yes." I lower myself all the way and stop to let him get use to the feeling he most know cause he nodded when a raised a eyebrow at him. Slowly I started to grind on him and he throw his head back in the pillows. I picked up my paste going alittle faster.

"Fuck yea." He moaned. So I picked myself up and then came back down on him hard and he grabbed my hips and repeated what I just done.

"That's right get into Aaron." He did it again and meet me with a thrush and damn did it feel good.

"Fuck thats it keep going." He most have liked that cause he turned us over and started pumping faster and hard in me which made my stomach tightened.

"Damn it Aaron faster." I didn't have to tell him twice thats exactly what he did and I could feel myself get closer with every pump he gave me.

"Fuck Aaron." I moaned and he reached up and kissed me with so much hungrier that my inside exploded.

"Ahhh." I moaned which causeed him to pick up his paste even faster.

"Damn it Emily Fuck." He climaxed as well, trying to catch his breath above me I ran my fingers up and down his back. Once he was okay he got up and went to get rid of the condom and came back in his boxer's while I was pulling up my panties.

"You okay?" He looked up and pecked me on the lips.

"Yea you were right it was amazing. " he smiled and went over to his jeans to put them back on.

"What are you doing?" He looked up.

"Getting dressed so I can climb back over to my house?" Oh hell no his not.

"Stay with me Aaron?" He looked at me laying in the bed already.

"Okay." His said and walked over to get in bed with me. Snuggling close to me with his arms around my waist, it felt nice real fucking nice.

"For your first time you did really really good." He laughed and kissed me cheek.

"Thanks I will never forget it Emily ever." So sweet lets hope he doesn't.

"Good, night babe." He snuggled closer and kissed my forehead.

"Night baby." Okay this is one of the best damn nights of my life. I got the hot ass geek hell yea in your face slut. I'm not going to fuck this up and exactly try my best to be a good girlfriend. I was slowly falling asleep thinking his is what I have always wanted, smiling to myself.

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