Chapter. 4

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Mason pulled me over to my bike and started questioning me.

"What are you doing Em?" I looked at him like he lost his mind.

"What do you mean Mas?" He looked at Aaron as he just walked in the school.

"Why do you keep giving him rides?" I was took back by his question why the fuck did it matter.

"Cause he lives next door thats why." I spit back.

"Look you are getting really close with him why?" Oh hell no.

"Why the fuck does it matter Mason?" I was pissed.

"I don't know cause we fuck that's why." Ok yea we do fuck and hang out but we do not date so fuck him.

"We do not date Mason so why are you fucking asking what I do?" He looked pissed but I don't care he has no right.

"You know what Emily fuck you ". He yelled and started to walk off.

"You already did." I yelled back as Aiden walked up to me.

"Hey you want to get out of here?" He asked smiling and that's just what I needed to do.

"Yea lets go to the lake". Aiden nodded and went to his mustang and get in and head to the lake. Once we got there he rolled a joint and we smoked it, just what I needed to calm the hell down.

"Mason is not liking the attention you give Aaron."

"I know Aiden but he does not own me."

"His just jealous give him a break ok." Mason and Aiden are best friends and would take each others back in a heartbeat.

"I know he means no harm but Aiden I hate how he trys to control me."

"Your his fuck buddie he cares for you but just want admit it." I sure hope not cause I don't have feelings for him.

"We should head back its last period." Aiden nodded and we went back to school just in time for science.

I walked in science and seen Aaron seating at our table already god I hope he don't notice I'm high. I went and seat down beside him and he turned to me.

"Where were you at lunch?" Aaron asked.

"Me and Aiden went to the lake." I told him his smile dropped. Shit he thinks I slept with Aiden.

"Me and Aiden don't sleep together if that's what your thinking. " I said smiling he looked down and blushed. I think I heard him say good but it could be the high me hearing things. I took Aaron home after school and went to my house and watched some T.v. since I don't got any homework.

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